on the flip side, i’m a white jewish new yorker who was adopted. i was born in texas. people freak the fuck out when i try and explain that i root for dallas teams the way they root for germany or costa rica in the olympics, it’s my country of origin. they literally cannot fathom that for me, it’s the same thing.
btw, i’m not personally riled or anything by your rant, but you’re def not describing american white people. you’re describing american christians. i have no warm fuzzy feelings when explaining how my dad was born in palestine/israel and his family came from poland and then before that 15 other countries they were…
one of the most underrated moments in cinematic history.
i will happily give you my hebrew name to use next time you get pestered. that would be fucking hilarious to watch them try and process.
since we’re talking technically correct things, since natalie portman is israeli, isn’t she... asian?
lmao i’m so glad i’m not the only one. my heart is still going a mile a minute from my initial reaction.
they tried that once in like idaho or oregon or something. it REALLY didn’t go well.
yup. i worked on compiling a hate group database, it’s amazing (in the literal way, not the colloquial way) how many groups have members of the group they’re opposed to. there were even black klan members.
trumpers on twitter are already blaming obama in comments made to classmates of the dead students.
i’m 100% convinced the queen won’t die until he does so he won’t inherit.
i’d feel bad for him if he wasn’t such an insufferable schmuck. got passed over for the throne and the looks.
other than the Nazi one, and the probable murderer one, i’m a fan of the royal family. especially the rebellious satellite members with nose rings and stuff.
at the very least, he heard them talking about it on a car ride. (per gymcastic)
there is no “bad guy” in gym. there’s the biggest bad guy, and then 9000000 others.
i’m a lifelong gym fan, i wasn’t great but i was pretty good as a kid. thank fucking god my adhd made it impossible for me to commit to training, my parents are generally hardcore victim blamers, both to me and in general.
do you know of any good places to watch NCAA other than the balance beam sitch? i lost my stream this season and i’m so so sad about missing meets, especially ucla :(
worked in advertising for one summer. it’s basically 50% geniuses 50% non-soberly throwing shit at the wall.
so happy you’re back, and with such a great episode!