i, a fellow knicks fan, understood your first comment perfectly. perhaps the rest of the non-miserable world doesn’t have our dismal perspective that allows us to take joy in things despite knowing we’re gonna lose.
i, a fellow knicks fan, understood your first comment perfectly. perhaps the rest of the non-miserable world doesn’t have our dismal perspective that allows us to take joy in things despite knowing we’re gonna lose.
you’re not wrong, but you’ve forgotten the more obvious answer - hanukkah. hanukkah is fun because you never know when it’s going to happen. nobody knows how to spell it, some people don’t even know how to say it, and the whole holiday is basically about how delicious fried food is. there’s also 8 days, so there’s no…
munchhausen by proxy
he’s every guy who puts his hand on your thigh “innocently” on the subway/movie theater/dinner/meeting/anywhere else you sit or exist
ian mckellan. don’t tell me if i’m wrong.
i always saw him as more of a stalin...
everyone in my theater audibly groaned or “ugh”ed when that happened.
meh. i’m actually kinda crazy about the food substitution thing. i’d rather eat yummy food the way it was intended than a half-assed version of the original recipe...
i’m deathly allergic to both rum and pumpkins but damn that sounds delicious.
agreed on the pecan pie UNLESS you have it with a little gravy. yes, it sounds gross, but gimme a bar of pecan pie with some gravy and i’m happy for a year.
“in the beginning....” ok i’m done
slightly younger than you but was always around my cousins who are your/her age. couldn’t agree more.
swiftgron? i’ve apparently been in a kaylor bubble and missed that one.
you forgot to add that WE FUCKING REELECTED HIM.
i literally bring an empty bag overseas with me just so i can bring back good chocolate candy.
i agree with you and i’m super allergic to peanuts.
my love of hockey only encompasses the mighty ducks. i would tolerate hockey for free nachos and some tequila.
i like having spiders around that take care of the bugs, but i prefer the kind i can’t see and arent the size of my fucking face.
this one’s pretty far up on my list.