
I don't know why it's not showing on here - but I did reply to you - I'll post my apology again - I did make a critical error in my response to this article and stand humbly corrected in regards to Vulgar. Please accept my thanks for pointing that out to me and correcting my mistake. Quite embarrassed to be honest.

I am so sorry! You are absolutely correct - I made a bit of an ass of myself here lol Thank you for correcting my hideous error - I mean that with all sincerity - I'm super embarrassed.

I'm going on a limb here. I appreciate this well written and thought-out
article. I agree that things are being flogged to death and hope for an
accidental spillage of chili flakes into the sweet sauce - meaning: I
hope that these two phenomenal minds/artists take their familiar style
and add a little new zesty twist