
I just recently re-read the first few books and I’m not sure what anyone could do to play Perrin better. His entire outward personality at that point in the series is that he doesn’t talk much and people think he’s dumb because of it. When he does speak, it’s nearly always to ask a question or, very occasionally, to

True, but how other people see us and how we feel about ourselves doesn’t always align. In a world where super heroes exist and save the world on a semi regular basis, it makes sense that a firefighter might feel like a second rate chump even when he’s out there being a hero every day.

Yes, but only because the writers created that situation. Dex’s interest in Julie was more moral than romantic so why did she have to be female? His moral north star culd have been a dude.

“ I haven’t seen women being disproportionately affected on the show”

I buy that Dex didn’t expect to have a lot of competition in a fight against a bunch of journalists, but if Fisk knew Matt was going to be there (which seems likely) you’d think he would have warned Dex to bring his A-game.