
you can lose your words when getting ready to faint. it’s like you’re struggling to keep yourself upright so your body stops doing everything else. Suddenly stopping talking is a warning sign of an impending faint. It can take practice to learn to stop and force yourself to get on the floor on your own. Source: Low


Sorry he just violated rule #1 of campfires everywhere:

By “taken to task” I hope you mean fired. Called into HR and then escorted out of the building immediately. (Maybe a Kellogg’s janitor would like to help escort him.) Then his stuff from his desk tossed in a cardboard box and mailed to his sad apartment.

Corn rows actually.

Are those corn braids?!!! Lol, talk about corntural appropriation.

My friend Norble Renar makes $3700 dollars month working from home with plenty of time off to day drink. Visit dasf.gogl.ia to find out how.

I would love to get paid for commenting, but sadly all I get to do after I post is go home and enjoy an evening with my collection of KEDSUM 200PCS ADHESIVE CABLE CLIPS, WIRE CLIPS, CAR CABLE ORGANIZER, CABLE WIRE MANAGEMENT, DROP CABLE CLAMP WIRE CORD TIE HOLDER FOR CAR, OFFICE AND HOME.

Yes. Solid comparison.

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

This just solidifies my opinion that David Cross is an asshole, but not an abuser. It sounds like they have a really good relationship, those two. You can love somebody and still acknowledge their faults.

I kind of thought it was refreshing that there wasn’t an excuse. People knew and did nothing because they just didn’t.

He says it in his statement, it’s because he wasn’t a decent and responsible person that he worked with Weinstein. That covers all the reasons from greed to not really having any idea what to do.

I’d like to admit I am a shitty human being. There is no telling who I would sell out for the opportunity to make millions of dollars doing the thing I am most passionate about in life. I just hope when my scummy complacency becomes apparent I will admit my sin.

In the full NYTimes interview, he says he fucked up and that there was too much $$ to be made at the time.

I think he kind of says “...because I was a shitty person.”

Yeah it’s weird. We are so used to the absolute worst that admitting you knew and didn’t help is refreshing

Who would have thought that Quentin Tarantino would be the first person to admit he knew Weinstein was crossing the line and he should have been a better person and not worked with him?

Yes. Loved it.

So, have you seen “Arrival” yet?