Yeah it sort of blew my mind that I actually still have to preorder Nintendo stuff because they actually have shortages, unlike every other game company currently.
Yeah it sort of blew my mind that I actually still have to preorder Nintendo stuff because they actually have shortages, unlike every other game company currently.
Except the characters aren't going to cost $7.50 each and $15 for a single monster. Not to mention you can't earn these characters through any other means except real money. And the cosmetics are boring with no thought or creativity put into them. A blue gun? $2.99. Yeah, that sounds fucking fair.
The regular edition of Monster Hunter 4 is completely sold out everywhere. I couldn't find it anywhere in my city, and pretty much every retailer is sold out online. So I had to run around and buy a 32gb memory card, a #0 screwdriver, transfer all my stuff to my computer, switch cards, and then download it on the…
It's a free market, so if people are willing to buy, go for it. It sucks for people who couldn't get it by retail means, but ultimately they should be mad at Nintendo for their lack of supply. Nintendo is the only company that still does this and it's really annoying.
Too many Spider people in a storyline where different versions of Spiderman converge into the same universe?
Lionsgate is making a reboot:…
I'm pretty sure Khan already said he wouldn't do it, even if they gave him $200m.
Yeah, until they say that officially, which they haven't, I'm commenting on the facts we have right this moment.
I'm commenting on the actual facts we have so far, you're commenting on assumptions. There's a difference.
They're protecting it by eliminating a fan made video that doesnt receive profits? I fail to see the logic. The fact that it's a Power Rangers fan film means over 5 million people are thinking about Power Rangers as a brand. Now that it's on everyone's mind announce the reboot movie and bank on the hype. Everyone wins.
Well until that's official, there's no point in saying thats the reason.
I don't know where you got that interpretation from, but there's nothing official saying Saban doesn't want their brand tainted by the actual violence from this film. So far, it's been taken down because of copyright infringement. That's it.
A.) There's a reason it has a mature rating, so if some kid comes across it, it's no ones fault but the parents.
Did your parents hate you? Because that's the only reason I can think of for playing this game everyday.
And by one of the greatest you mean one of the worst right? Especially Bubsy 3D, which is one of the worst games I've ever played. Even as an 8 year I knew that game was shit.
*** (1) This video was NOT removed because it is NSFW. ***
Except he's not making money off this. See his first and last tweet about giving it away for free, not taking money for it, not Kickstarting it, etc. It's just a fan film.
Saban is apparently trying to make a reboot movie, so they probably don't want this interfering with their official movie...
All I could think about was how Fable 3 handled dying, which was pretty impossible if you were even the slightest bit competent in playing games. I didn't die once through that whole game, and I'm pretty sure I didn't even use a potion either. That game was devoid of all challenge or tension and seriously fuck that…
The beta sounds promising. You also forgot to mention the Bison tease at the very end of the trailer.