
Yeah voice is pretty easy. It’s in every phone nowadays and you can just use your mic for all those commands. I’m talking about the motion control camera feature, which was the main concept. It’s pretty useless now because of its unreliability. And after hyping up the first Kinect... And then the second... Only to be

Burned by Kinect and every other technology that was supposed to be the “next big thing.”

I don’t think I’ve ever been more skeptical of a product. It sounds really awesome, looks cool in demo situations, and the concept is really inventive... But burn me once...

I think its kinda BS you can’t remap the existing emotes. I wanted to use a couple in sequence but it’s too much of a pain to pause and change them.

I don’t know what to think when they decided that what they ended up with at launch was better than the original game. Not only does none of the vanilla version stuff make sense, but there were no characters of note or even importance to the “story.” I would have taken a mediocre plot over no plot at all.

Yeah I remember this was the leading rumor for awhile. Combining their consoles and handhelds would let all their developers to make games for a single platform.

What's the deal with the microtransactions in the FOB mode of the game? That's a make it or break type deal for that mode.

Too bad it's unplayable. The entire game is hack city. Every moving super fast, bullets turn into grenades, laser aiming, etc. Theyd actually have to remake the entire game.

Easy way to make trading easy and fair: trade for equivalent rarity. Exotic for exotic, legendary for legendary, etc. Done.

Nintendo seems to only fall into both extremes of fan approval. They either release really hype stuff that gets people going crazy, or do/limit something that everyone recoils in disgust. If they could just clearly listen to people, there wouldn’t be a problem.

It might only be possible if they limited the number of Pokemon that are in the game, but no one would actually want that. It would take an enormous amount of work to animate all 700+ Pokemon to be playable and balanced. They would have to significantly lower the amount of playable Pokemon in the game, or simplify the

Hell, there’s plenty to play this year alone. I mean, this game releases the same day as Fallout 4... What the hell are they thinking? Not to mention the other 10 different AAA games releasing in November.

This is a perfect example of how valuable and lucrative the YouTube community it. Whenever I read stories about publishers or game devs fighting to stop YouTube LP’ers I'm just baffled. It's free advertising!!! This guys unknown game is now known by Pewdies 38 million subscribers and was then greenlit on Steam, and

I was just thinking the same thing. His V Trigger is pretty much super sayian.

Kratos is the least sympathetic protagonist ever. Even his revenge motive from the first game is terrible. He chickened out of dying after he lost the battle, only to get power from Aries to wage war, and then cried about killing his own family because he had blind rage for more slaughter and revenge. It’s literally

When are we going to get our Amiibo game? Skylanders and Disney have their games tied in with the figures, all Nintendo has is a few little additions to some of their games. To really solidify their worth, I think they need a legit game that can actually use all of these Amiibos. What's the point in owning a mega man,

I appreciate when people talk blunt and raw. It serves a few purposes:

Is this game still on set for 2015 or has it been pushed back? There’s so much coming out this year I wouldn't even be bummed.

Yeah I totally agree. If anything, the argument for stop preordering games should be used for retailer exclusive content and DLC. That is an actual cause and effect from preordering.

Insert any _____ killers and you'll see that they never really are. Most just fade away.