Punished Venom Leftist

“There are times I’d rather be in a rental vehicle than the one I own” is a helluva endorsement.

Absolutely not, on both this site, and The Drive, Toyota and Honda were heavily derided for not providing the empty promises all of the other OEMs were about how they would be full EV within a decade. Go back and read those articles.

Maybe read a book or something.

Remember when it was simply a MOBA? LMAO

Cool slideshow. You guys ever consider doing some research and putting something useful together for us yourselves?

The  series has been completely silly since the first game. Weird article.

Do ya’ll understand that they have LAST YEAR’S Ferrari engine? When a team goes the route of engine sharing, they are not on the current set-up.

He understands the sentence, the statement and accusation is absurd and only bozos in echo chambered comment sections believe that the things he’s said are that. Go out and meet some people in real life, you’ll find these views are generally more common and not attached to any sort of hate for anybody!

Hilarious to be more frustrated by “Elon Buttsnorkelers” relative to every major and minor (like this craphole) media outlet running endlessly negative coverage only after he decided to buy and improve Twitter. Insanity, true insanity.

You people are losing your minds.

Are you, uh, implying that this website is too hard on Democrats are something?

Well said, but I dunno about those arms companies. Democrats have become just as much war pigs as the Republicans. They now try to out-perform one another on who hates foreign powers more.


No no no!!! You’re supposed to be furious about this! You’re supposed to make very clever jokes about Elon Musk that people have been repeating for 5 years!!! What are you doing!!!!!????

Right? Him being, I guess, weird at the worst in this call is the big smoking gun they have on him?

Interesting they didn’t mention that the CAB DRIVER testified that she was the aggressor. There is no information in this article. Just more ideologically driven drivel to stir up the masses in this awful comments

No, the ideology that state violence should be used against people you disagree with, bootlicker.

Re-Stigmatize lusting after virtual characters.

Congrats, your brain has been poisoned by ideology. Time to read some other websites!

There probably were not. I don’t believe the cars would be rent-able if they had liens (not technically, anyway) and you’d be surprised by the amount of high end luxury cars that are bought as cash deals. I work with dealers and most of the exotics are dealing primarily with Trusts as the technical purchaser. But in

But I thought it was only evil white MAGA supporters who were pushing back against EVs? What happened!?!?! Maybe I should start reading other car websites!