High school and college wrestling. I’m very familiar with the effects of weight cutting and performance.
High school and college wrestling. I’m very familiar with the effects of weight cutting and performance.
You can’t cut the same amount of weight. It’s not possible. If you try to cut the same amount of weight with a 8 hour turn around that is being done with a 24 hour turn around, you cannot perform. With the shorter timeframe, you have to cut smarter.
I’ve made that cut before — 210 to 184 — but not in 4 days. It was 7. Still very unsafe. I would be surprised if he got to even 160 in 4 days.
So, here’s a study that I found that is somewhat useful. It seems to be inconclusive on the connection between dehydration and concussions. FWIW.
Somebody posted this below. It was the first I’d heard of it. Tough call between kidney damage and brain damage.
Hmm. Interesting. This is the first I’ve heard of this. I was unaware of any correlation between hydration and head trauma. I’d love to read some of those studies.
You can’t fight at the same level if you’re too sucked down from the cut. By shorting the weigh-in to fight time, you are forcing fighters to fight closer to their natural weight because they will feel and look like crap if they’re still feeling the effects of the cut when they fight. You don’t have that problem…
I’d be in favor of 4 to 2 hour prefight weigh ins.
You can’t cut the weight the same way. Your body cannot recover from the cut if the turn around is so short. With night before weigh-ins, the competitive advantage is to gain obscene amounts of weight to feel heavy for the other guy. With the short turn around, it’s not possible to gain that kind of weight without…
No. If you have to be able to compete, you can’t put yourself through such a strenuous cut. You physically will not be able to complete. If you get 24 hours instead of say, 8 hours, or better yet 2 hours, you can be more agressive, i.e. dangerous, with the way you cut. As someone who cut a lot of weight wrestling for…
Weigh-ins should be moved to mornings of the fight. This would require fighters to manage their weight in a more responsible way.
This should be out of the grays. This would be an even shorter discussion.
He’s only 61????? Jesus, beer and chicken wings takes its toll.
I’m not sure I could have asked for a better illustration of my underlying thesis. Thank you.
Why are conservative men so fucking fragile that the notion of discussing new ideas is viewed as a threat to their identity? I mean, if their conviction about their manhood is so easily undermined, you have to wonder about the strength of their convictions.
Two simple dietary things that I’ve noticed really help people stay committed to exercise. 1) Eat a little simple sugar right before a workout, e.g. juice, honey, even a small candy bar; 2) eat some protein right after a workout, e.g. pbj sandwich, hardboiled egg, etc.
Unless the phrase was “I’m not giving any food to that white boy over there” it’s not racism.
Le Batard is NOT a sports talk morning show.