
So, Elon couldn’t keep it up? Figures.

Greene interrupted and asked the chairman that “members be reminded of the rules of decorum.”

event because of the unfulfilled sexual request from **checks notes** Patrick.

Nurse does not need an adjective.

First he needs treatment for alcoholism, then the anger issues. Lucky for him he has a job that will allow for all that time sitting in sessions. Recovery is a full time job, even if you’re only pretending, which is what I’d expect this clown to do next. Then again, he can probably find a way to buy his way out of

The small business owner was asked a question by a journalist (you should look up what that is!) and answered it. He wasn’t pushing himself forward, he didn’t say or imply he was most affected by it. In fact, he didn’t use the first person singular at all in the bits you quoted.

It is absolutely galling how so many middle-aged or older men are clutching pearls about the BARBIE movie.

This feels like a markedly different tone from the article you published, let’s see, two days ago.

Who could have predicted such bad outcomes when they elected a fucking idiot gun nut from a Ku Klux Klan town?

They ALL want to work you fucking nimrod troll. And the only way they are going to get this resolved is through the unions they were “forced” into.

You’ve insulted great writers everywhere by referring to a shitstain blogger like Rich as a writer

What’s next, the Widow’s and Orphan’s Fund?

The tone here is SO odd. Maybe he said more in the actual podcast, but from what’s included in the article here, I don’t see where he said anything about him being worse off than anyone else or comparing his experience to others? He’s not putting down anyone or acting like what he’s saying is new or groundbreaking, so

Jesus, Emily. Did Tom Holland kill your dog or something? This feels like a disproportionate amount of venom thrown at him for a fairly banal opinion.

The writing on Jezebel is so bad and so shallow that it’s a shock when something is actually good: this is not that. There’s nothing wrong with a man avoiding a town he dislikes and basing his home elsewhere, or-uh-an English person wanting to live in England. But what can you expect of a woman who seems to believe

That’s Trixie’s signature look, though.

I think there is a difference between an woman being a “Karen” and obviously suffering a mental health episode or maybe an adverse reaction to Ambien which is a real thing. She wanted off the plane because she was distressed and was clearly imagining things. I am SO SICK of this culture of filming people suffering

Republicans...the new Nazi Party. Examples:
- Banning and burning books

Podcasts, interviews in print, all this stuff gets edited for time, for clarity, for relevance and coming up with something compelling rather than meandering. I doubt half the people commenting on this story actually listened to the podcast in question, but even if you did and you feel you were sold something fake —

“Pillaging” two thirds of Twitter’s value implies that Musk extracted that value, and is now deploying it elsewhere (in his bank account, for example). It reality, Musk has simply destroyed two thirds of Twitter’s value. He wishes he pillaged it.