
I was just thinking this! If we could plan something a little further out, maybe we could encourage/provide a means for people who are able to do so to provide either monetary or food donations to cover a lost day of work for those who really can’t afford go unpaid for a day.

The only section of their whole website that is down due to “recent changes” is the “large groups” section.... HMMMMMM

This was my initial thought too, but I’m slowly starting to take issue with myself and everyone else that says things like this. Isn’t that/aren’t we kind of the problem? I understand that it’s easier to emotionally-disengage here, but maybe this moment, the beginning, is the moment to snap ourselves out of that

I worked for American Apparel back in 2009, and while the company management is the WORST (I have so many stories—some of which were featured on gawker years and years ago) I will stand up for the quality of their goods—I STILL have so much stuff from 8 years ago that’s held up incredibly well despite very regular

Oh I see. One is from two years ago. Is Dakota just Vogue’s “February girl” now?

More importantly, why are there two different covers floating around?! Am I supposed to dress up! or be american chic this season?!

Oh man! A woman my mom knows/I knew when I was a kid is a high-up there (pro?) makeup artist for Bobbi Brown and I JUST, last night, googled her name and found her makeup tutorials and watched a bunch! Weird zeitgeist coincidence.

Yes! I just posted this above, but:

I paid for the slower expedited service (the one where you don’t have to go in person) which was recommended on the state department website if you needed your passport in 6 weeks. That thing came in 6 DAYS! I wished I’d saved the $60, as it probably would have made it anyway!

I have a correction, and I swear it’s not obnoxious.

Trump is triggering? I’m sorry, but at a certain point, one has to understand that this is LITERALLY real life, happening in front of oneself, and that life itself is sometimes (often, in fact!) “triggering.”

My third year in college, a roommate who I’d lived with for a year on campus and I got a house together off campus. Things are totally fine, we get along, no drama. Easy breezy.

It’s so cheap you can’t go wrong. and a little goes a long way (i’ve had my one little tin for over a year now, though I use it less now)

The 6 months I spent working at starbucks DESTROYED my hands because of constantly handling the sanitizer/bleach solution. I bought some O’keeffe’s Working hands cream for like $5 on amazon and it changed my life. It feels weird and you put it on at night, which seems strange to me, but it WORKS!

I moved to the PNW last year from Hawaii (where, despite popular belief, everything doesn’t just magically grow year round) and got in to gardening for the first time in my life! I had a balcony and grew tomatoes and arugula and peppers all summer long. I felt accomplished at my new hobby!

You guys! I totally went to see her live in November and had the BEST time. She has an awesome voice, and was so so personable and genuine with the crowd—including giving shout outs to people in the crowd that she recognized because they’ve been coming to her concerts since she was a kid. She was also pretty candid

She is #1 for the same reason George W. became president—Everyone can imagine being her best friend and getting a beer going to sephora with her and maybe getting a bubble tea together afterwards. Also, all her disney show fans are now grown up insta-users so...

I’m a forever-grey but, as everyone has already suggested my fave Jane Austen, I’ll recommend D.H. Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers! It’s probably the only novel from my college Modern Lit. class that I not only finished, but loved, loved, loved. It’s fucked up and weird and dark and sad and eerily familiar and just great.


I’m sorry, are you the original Mariah that all Mariah clones are spawned from? What is this shit?