
Last year I lost a job where I spent close to 40 hours a week walking around/moving, and gained 20 lbs by spending too much time at home eating. For the past month or so I’ve basically been doing Atkins, sort of? I’m fully aware of the issues with it, but the biggest benefit is that it’s made me a lot more conscious

It’s really great that you went to a country, where people make ~$500 a month, on a tourist visa and had to get a crappy illegal job when said visa ran out. It’s really great that you’re campaigning for worker’s rights in Ecuador, oh, wait... NO ONE TRICKED YOU!

“you arm so hot com fuck me”

I prefer washing dishes by hand because, growing up, emptying the dishwasher seemed like a never-ending chore that I had to do daily, and now I just have a horrible aversion to it, ha.

I’m a cynic, whatever, but I’m enticed to believe the rumors that this all a publicity stunt for him to gain his own reality tv show. The show will follow his transition until (surprise!) he decides he’s going to stay a man. The language he uses in this interview kind of backs that up for me. This doesn’t feel like

I’m a guy and used to also find pretty good quality, affordable basics at express, but I stopped shopping there a few years ago because it just became shitty quality in weird, awkward cuts and colours. Short sleeve dress shirts in bright “eggplant” purple that are basically one size fits most? HARD PASS

Let me preface this by saying I’m not a troll (I swear!) but ugh! I have some questions and I don’t want to sound like a horrible person but I probably will so I’m sorry in advance.

My favourite thing to do is google sentences from these reviews, and then read all about the crazy person who wrote them by reading their other yelp reviews.

Does this count as “sick”?

I saw this chart recently and it's just so inaccurate it's ridiculous. Portland, OR, is higher than NYC or LA, or Boston? Huh?

I go back and forth on how I feel about this schtick. When I first learned about it I kind of just rolled my eyes and thought it was ridiculous since we used to see her face all the time/know what she looks like. But then I saw her in an interview where she was pretty straight up about the fact that she's here to

I’m not sure if this is soft or just fucking straight up sexism, and it didn’t happen to me personally, but I had a female employee tell me (a man) that her former boss had once told her she was “a feisty one” when she disagreed with him on some issue. I was disgusted and told her I would have replied “Fuck you!”

I (a homo man) have had other men tell me to smile before and it's always been, like, okay weirdo person in my general area. I've never felt like they were enforcing anything upon me—they're just fucking weirdos who think it's okay to talk to strangers about feelings (see: #racetogether)

It's getting SO much worse. At least twice a day I talk myself out of a "Not to be an asshole but...." comment. It's just such a basic part of being a writer, right? I know mistakes are easy to make in a rush, it just promotes the idea that none of these writers really give a fuck about their product and don't care