
The diagram says he only dug 10 feet.

I hear Joss Whedon is available. Or will the universe implode if he jumps from Marvel to DC?

What's truly sad is we now live in a world where every man is a suspected sexual predator. I can't even drive our teenage baby sitter home in the evening for fear that someone might think it's inappropriate. My wife has to do it. And a kid falls down and scrapes a knee at the playground… forget about trying to help.

The audience was the 5th army. Sort of like the 12th man at football games.

Rock and roll baby!

It's "Injun" not "Indian" you insensitive clod!

Let's see… the prequels sucked. A New Hope blew us all away when it came out… but we were little kids then. Empire Strikes Back was the better film. And Return of the Jedi is where it all started to go downhill. I just cannot get excited about the franchise coming back but I'm open to being pleasantly surprised with