puncha yo buns

ADPi has great parties. Here’s a photo from one.

Definitely not a good idea to denigrate the very popular president known as Barack Obama by calling him an Uncle Tom.

Presumably, the “Gawker” name might be a little too tarnished after all that has happened.

Donald hires people who are unqualified to work at that level and in return they give him loyalty. If the Trump campaign seems like amateur hour it is because Trump designed it that way.

Is that what African-Americans are after? Get this black guy out of the office and replace him with a racist white man you have to “bow down” to? Thanks Omarosa. I must be out of touch.

Those are photoshopped? It looks like they did nothing to the original photos.

Statement via Katrina Pierson: “It’s absolutely Obama’s fault that Mr. Lochte was held up at the 2013 Summer Olympics.”

Because as ridiculous as the NFL is, the IOC is the most corrupt sports organization in the world. They make the NFL look like the Boy Scouts.

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

We’re still getting up and coming to work at Deadspin next week, my man. Senior Week is just a celebration of the 14 years of independence that are coming to an end.

Look out at the world around you and tell me how you can honestly believe that such life-changing technical and medical breakthroughs would be distributed ‘uniformly’ enough to create that scenario.

Clint Eastwood thinks if something wasn’t considered racist when he was a kid we’re pussies for complaining about it now and we should get over it. Imagine having people walking around with that same attitude, only they’re 860 years behind the times instead of 86. Forget longevity. I want Logan’s Run.

800? So how many years are you working and paying bills?

Edgy. I think your Mom is calling you to dinner. She made the special meatloaf without onions for her special little man!

Def. Not underage. Have at it, use protection.

I don't understand the appeal. I don't think he's that attractive.

Also, did anyone else catch the commercial in which he says, "I'm Ryan Lochte, and I'm here to finish first"? I saw it the first day and haven't seen it since, but goddamn, it made me laugh. I just imagined him saying that to one of his one-night stands.