puncha yo buns

Completely unrelated to the article, but...I missed reading your comments. Been away from this part of the internet for so long that it’s nice to see (read) some familiar faces

Haha thank you my good man. Yeah, I haven’t been around in a little while unfortunately...almost a year I think.

It’s not a scholarship thing. It’s need-blind financial aid.

So did I! Someone feel bad for me too, I used to contribute!

I could imagine them trying to shoot her to stop her from escaping, but it seemed to me like the guns were a precaution. They’re the police, I doubt they were coming in just trying to kill her immediately.

I think some of the ones in this clip are, but I don’t think all cops are strapped like they are in the U.S. Probably, like you said, only in extreme situations. Which this might be one of, haha

It is. But that’s how John Wick seemed to me too.

They clearly weren’t trying to kill her. Probably trying to capture her and take her in, most likely.

Lol that boy is definitely not on steroids. Not to mention, they don’t affect your actual penis.

Drunk and high are two very different things.

If he were a true ally, he’d take one for the team.

I do cringe a little when I see the phrase “interracial relationship” though. But then I remember...wait, this is America, haha. There are people who haven’t seen a minority in real life in like...months. Silly me.

These experiences are tragic, I’m so sorry. I regret most of all that this no good, very bad week is making many of us relive and remember a lot of the worst times in our lives, because this will join it. It really does seem like something that will forever change the way we look at our worlds.

1. Sept 11th, when I stood on the waterfront in Jersey City and watched the towers come down and held all my friends who had parents working in WTC who they hadn’t heard from yet.

Uh...I think a lot of people (at least a lot of people in this crowd) know that Cooper is a Vanderbilt.

I can’t believe he actually did this. I hope he crashes and burns—like, literally spontaneously combusts—on stage tonight, and we are spared from ever having to hear or see him, his campaign, his surrogates or his family EVER AGAIN. FOREVER.

Without a doubt, the lowest. And there was a lot of shit to dig under.

Kayleigh McEnany. She’s the fucking worst, and she KNOWS it.