He would indeed. He plays the persecution complex really well. Any legitimate attacks coming his way he leverages as unfair/biased. He is textbook narcissist and it’s scary that people think that makes a good leader.
He would indeed. He plays the persecution complex really well. Any legitimate attacks coming his way he leverages as unfair/biased. He is textbook narcissist and it’s scary that people think that makes a good leader.
Trump is such a narcissist it’s almost funny to watch. Everything is “this only happened because of me,” “we only did this because of me,” “that person likes me more than you.” Everything is in terms of winning and losing. He literally just said we’re not winning at healthcare. How the fuck do you even win at…
God no, please god no. Maybe they’ll exercise their second Amendment rights on each other though.
It seems beyond crazy that from the 293 Republican candidates we started with this election season, we have come down to basically Trump, Cruz and Rubio. One of these terrible, terrible people are actually going to be up for the chance to become President of America.
Bernie may look a little mad scientist at the moment, but he’s still got appeal/charm hidden under there. He should just plaster a picture of like 35 year old Bernie over his face during debates and his appearance ratings (and various ovaries/testes) would explode.
I agree with everything you said, although I’m not sure the title “intersectional feminism’ fits here...
Chris Rock has made some great stuff too, but he still gets roped into dumb-ass comedies like “Grown-Ups” with all of his SNL buddies from back in the day as well.
The answer is both.
The number one crime in comedy is—shockingly—not being funny. You could take the most offensive topic in the world and ALWAYS make it work, as long as it’s funny and smart.
I think it can be done well for sure, but often it is not. Jimmy Fallon is a prime example of this, unfortunately.
He thinks it’s funny for a straight man to wear a dress and a wig, to speak like a drunk baby, and to jump up and down with a limp wrist after seeing a friend.
Unpopular opinion—I’ve never found Jimmy Fallon funny.
That’s for you to look up, my friend. There’s plenty of info out there on Bernie’s very optimistic but pretty awesome goals for women’s rights. Both of these candidates are very solid on women’s issues.
Right—I didn’t mean to insinuate she specifically did, I meant more of the Steinem/Albright proxies that have come out recently. She has mentioned sort of offhand why being a woman would be a positive in terms of her experience as you mentioned, yes, but definitely never “I’m a woman so vote for me.”
What’s been interesting about Sanders gaining traction/Hillary’s endorsements is that she BY AND LARGE has all the endorsements of the leaders and presidents of groups/unions/political organizations. But when the workers/employees of said groups are polled or get to vote on the candidate they’d like to support, it’s…
Which he never has. Although I think other people have already pointed out the weird logic in your thinking.
I still think it’s a false equivalence. I don’t think Barack Obama ever mentioned “black people, let’s rally together” when he was running for office.
He has firmly denounced the BernieBro group, it is absolutely unfair to put that on him.
That thought process is the exact reason I will not caucus for Sanders tomorrow. If the type of support he attracts thinks that way, I wonder about the underlining tone of his campaign.
Of course everyone can be manipulated! The same way people can be manipulated/coerced into the fear mongering/unelectability issue concerning Bernie.