puncha yo buns

To be fair, Hillary met with BLM activists and explicitly said “I don’t believe you can change hearts, but you can change policy” or something to that effect.

I think it merits actually asking someone about why they do prefer Sanders/aren’t voting for Hillary.

I came here to say just this. I am happy someone has done it for me.

I agree with and like everything you said.

Yes, absolutely. And I try to gently get into those conversations about biases and prejudices with my friends who think that way, but as soon as you touch that nerve they get super defensive and a wall goes up and it’s like “YOU’RE TRYING TO ACCUSE ME OF BEING RACIST!!!”

There are also gay women, who are free and able to have as many children as they please (and can afford, although it’s not as expensive as surrogacy)! Sperm banks, people.

Yeah but he always talks about how he, as a musician, listens to the music first, and if the music doesn’t connect with him, then he can’t even listen to the lyrics...and you know, hip hop just doesn’t have enough good music man, so you can’t blame him for just not being interested.

I think a lot of people (I am not one of them) have strong ties to characters who have been with the show since the beginning—at this point, I think it’s only Rick, Carl and Glenn. So if he dies, we’re left with two. Not to mention, he’s one of the shows only sort of “good guy leaders.”

Trying to show things like this to my friend to “convince” him that hip-hop is a valid art form. Which doesn’t seem like something I should have to convince someone of, even if you don’t necessarily like it.

Funny how opinions differ, isn’t it?

I thought large swathes of it made no sense. I think it’s past the point of actually trying to put a coherent story together with characters who seem to operate under normal motivations, and instead seems to be moving from plot contrivance to plot contrivance.

Because it was a cheap exploitative ploy in which Glenn, bestowed with Plot Armor, was able to escape the situation of all situations with the help of the deus ex machina of all dei ex machina.

You’ve just described about 90% of any given episode though :(

Maybe I need better *white friends. Haha

Congrats friend! You’re livin in it!

Hello friend/random Internet person. I don’t know if you knew, but not only am I under no obligation to prove an anecdotal story I’m telling you on the Interwebz (you’re welcome to take it with a grain of salt), there’s no way I could possibly do so even if I tried. I could say 2 or 200 and you’d never know if it’s

I was grouping coworkers into that as well, as it had been office talk for a few days. But yeah; I think the problem is, they don’t see what they’re saying as anything wrong. They’re just like “what, it’s a terrible song. The song doesn’t mean anything. I don’t see how anyone could like it.” They’ll pick out lines

As did I. Fuck that noise. Take that hateful shit somewhere else.

Seriously. The amount of white friends who I’ve personally had tell me a combination of how horrible the song is/how the lyrics mean nothing/how it’s unlistenable/how Beyonce doesn’t understand what she’s doing/how unimpressed they were/casually forgot Beyonce is black is depressing.

What? The FBI and State are definitely not treating them as purely political: