puncha yo buns

Well, that’s like saying “I really don’t understand the big deal about Taco Bell” or “McDonalds.” It’s relatively cheap and fast food of which you receive enough to be satiated for a while. It ain’t gourmet dining, but then again, I don’t think anyone’s pretending it is.

Umm...are you pro-abortion, or pro-choice? Haha

Every time I see someone barefoot in a highly public place (subway, gas station, gym) I die a little bit more inside.

When has Gawker ever pretended to not be a liberal/left-leaning blog?

No, they’re all clowns. I just watch for the shitshow.

If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that Chris Rock will not hold back on the stunning amount of white people celebrating other white people that will be going on at the ceremony.

Do you think The Real World knows Asian men exist? I don’t think they do.

The season 31 roommates are named...

A joke abut Bill Cosby would be funny because you’re taking a rapist down, not because you’re taking a black person down (See: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler’s takedown of Bill Cosby last year). Similarly, a joke about Caitlyn Jenner would be funny because she’s a member of the Kardashian clan who caused a horrific

I replied this to someone else, but you know...greys :(

YOU DON’T KNOW ME! I’M SUPER SMART!!! I swear on my most recent Mensa test.

Not that I’m boo-hooing, but it’s the implication that Caitlyn Jenner being trans has anything to do with the accident she caused. Also because she happens to be one of the only trans names of note to the general population.

If you’re gonna go with the offensive joke I probably would have made a crack about women drivers. You know—to really take it there.

This. If you’re going to imply that being a member of a certain group gives you certain stereotypical advantages, then you have to deal with the backlash that comes from people throwing out the negative stereotypes too—as assholish as the person may be.

Hollywood is the last bastion of so much bigotry in the entertainment industry. Racism, homophobia, sexism, etc...everything is driven by money, and in their world it’s a damn shame that some annoying little factor like “diversity” is getting in the way of studios and execs making bank.

I think he’s tagged in that in-color blackface photo because that’s him. His friend is referring back to a night the two of them shared.

Doesn’t matter. What makes it on the Internet, stays on the Internet.

From that article:

Amy Schumer has been a wonderful voice in terms of breaking down doors and opening up dialogue as a woman in comedy in Hollywood, but...having followed her career to some extent for a little while, she has a much less nuanced/interesting/helpful take on race. In fact, she likes to be unabashedly racist in her

Amy Schumer has been a wonderful voice in terms of breaking down doors as a woman in comedy in Hollywood, but...having followed her career to some extent for a little while, she has a much less nuanced/interesting/helpful take on race. In fact, she likes to be unabashedly racist in her material because *gasp* wouldn’t