PunCass Angel

I'd like to hope that note will play some role later. Maybe Cas or Crowley will recognize Metatron's chicken scratches, thus learning whose ass they have to kick?

I get your point. I didn't mean angels themselves have to be ill-defined. But I think at present time their motivations should be shady, they have to be confused and have to do nonsense things. All that is simply because they are not used to think on their own.

Nowadays angels don't teleport so no "being strap to a comet" vibe. I guess if angel could really hide inside a human vessel, then Zeke would not been so paranoid about having Cas or any angel around.

But they have to be ill-defined, since it's always been stressed that angels do not have free will, freedom of choice and so on. Godly commander-in-chief left and - voila! - they don't know what to do. They tried to bring Apocalypse because it was the only plan they had beforehand. They failed miserably and without a

Seems like the same much as Cas was in the end of season 8. And it looks like Metatron particulary seeks and enjoys manipulating this type of silly failling but willing to fix something angels.

I guess he would not take Hael's grace because that time he considered his human condition as kind of punishment for his wrongdoings. He always seems to have these self-beating moments - like refusing to fight after swallowing "Lucifer" from Sam or refusing to escape purgatory with Dean - up until situation changes

In Naomi words, Metatron cooked a spell that expelled angels from heaven, just as God cast out Lucifer. So if it worked to send down one particular angel, then why would it not work to kick out all but one?

Metatron did not seal off heaven. Cas thought he would, but instead Metatron just flushed angels down. He told human-Cas "when you die and your soul comes to Heaven, find me". So I bet nothing happens to human souls going to heaven in usual manner, and nothing happens to human souls that were already there, since

When Kevin awaken as prophet angels appeared to take him "to dessert". It's Winchesters who did not let it happen and who poked Kevin to keep translating and searching the answers on their questions. Kevin himself did not have an urge to read the tablet, he even said it's painful thing to do, he merely wanted to take

Those angels were not ARCHangels. They were remrants of Cas's garrison who assumed the duty of protection the prophet because nobody else remained to do so. As you might notice there were more than one of them at the Kevin house "protecting", while Cas stated "an archangel" (singular) is assigned to each prophet.

How about Zach? Anna? I would hesitate to say that they had no personality or no goals. Same for Lucifer. Even Uriel had a hidden agenda. And Naomi is an example of not so bland suit.

If grace is somewhat equal to unique human soul, then probably Cas's character will be altered by it. Otherwise, it'll cause no more troubles than transplanted liver - not perfect, but he could live with it.

Hey, Dean did not just talked to the virgins - he had his favorite "Casa Erotica" actress in flesh and action, I bet he would disagree to consider it wasting of time :))

Zeke told that Sam could easily expell him in his (Zeke's) weakened state. So I guess "easy expelling" is not a general rule. Besides Michael and Lucifer are not angels - they are archangels with premium bag of tricks and nothing seems to be easy with them.