James Rochester

With the distractingly obvious score choices and all the fetishized Snyder-violence that wasn't a feature of the book at all, I'd agree that it was the best Watchmen movie that Snyder could've possibly made.

Bay's visual style is that shitty over-saturated look of mid-2000s pop music videos and his action scenes are incomprehensible. I genuinely can't think of another working director whose movies I find more unpleasant to look at.

Grew up in Jacksonville. It's mostly just another place?

Oh don't worry, you were already "that guy" for worse reasons.

Prey is a System Shock 2 style immersive sim to the core and if you're looking for that style of game then Prey does it better than any of those games listed. Particularly Mass Effect, which… what? There aren't a lot of similarities there.

People wanted The Good Dinosaur to be something other than what it was. What if dinosaurs never went extinct? Wow, sounds fascinating. Except that was just the backdrop. The real premise: "what if dinosaurs were cowboys". It might have been written backwards from the visual of a family of T-rexes herding buffalo and

Normal people vs creative people? Because of the psychedelic visuals?

Or in the case of Beyond Good and Evil 2, the sheer lack of anything else to show.

John Carter's reviews were evenly mixed and I don't recall it on many worst-of lists.

Hot take.

Fallout's distinctive feature is the 50s retro-futurism stuff.

I like the games for the shootin but I kind of hate how they're written. They don't take anything about their world seriously and as comedy it's the most formulaic and predictable Dreamworks level stuff. (Shrek 3 Dreamworks, not Mastermind Dreamworks.)

How many sittings did you beat it in?

Bioshock's plot gets very meta on the act of playing videogames itself and it has the typical shooter problem of a non-character protagonist. Come to think of it Bioshock seems uniquely ill-suited for adaptation to me.

Michelle Yeoh plays the captain of some other ship entirely. I wish writers would stop mis-reporting this.

That was my defense of using Paint it Black but it doesn't apply so much to Habanera from Carmen. That isn't a "trying too hard to be cool" choice, it's a "trying too hard to be ironic" choice.

I don't blame her for reacting that way when she didn't write the script, but boy am I sick of that argument.

There's a lot of debate whether philosophical zombies even make sense as a concept and I 'really' don't think the point of the show is pro-Westworld. We're meant to be skeptical of Ford's rationalizations. Just because the hosts have a different form of cognition than humans it doesn't make them toasters. They clearly

After actually watching the show reactions like this seem sort of perfunctory. It's fine, and the market isn't actually flush with shows about criminals that are willing to show them as scared, unhappy people who are doing it pretty much strictly for the money. After your Fargos and Breaking Bads this is sort of

I know the log you're talking about and it doesn't say that. It's poorly written and has caused a lot of confusion but when it says there have been others like Ellie it only means other infected, not other immune. It reiterates that Ellie is unique.

If you listen to the audio commentary with the writer when he talks