I was born in 1989 just like Taylor (I’M LIKE HER QUEER MIXED RACE TWIN, OMG) but I just want to state that each of her albums took about two years to make, and so the timeline for her age and the songs she wrote goes like this:
I was born in 1989 just like Taylor (I’M LIKE HER QUEER MIXED RACE TWIN, OMG) but I just want to state that each of her albums took about two years to make, and so the timeline for her age and the songs she wrote goes like this:
Obviously this marriage talk is weird and unsubstantiated, but this is honestly the first time since Taylor Swift has been a “thing” that I see her in a mature, adult relationship. We’re about the same age, and I remember for the longest time hearing her songs on the radio and I’m like “Taylor, you’re 20. Stop singing…
If you get many comments on this, I’m willing to bet that age demographics will show a clear split between old geezers who love, or at the very least, respect cursive (and a legible, elegant one at that), and the younger generation who have not been handed the required lore and technique to appreciate it. I belong…
Can we rename Trump The Hair Who Shall Not Be Named? Does anyone have a better suggestion?
Taylor Swift will never speak out about anything unless it’s in her own personal self defense. Her business model is completely dependent on not being controversial. “Taylor Swift” is a product, not a person.
25 is not a child, and I’m getting tired of people continuing to imply that (white) women in their mid twenties are not responsible for anything they do. Taylor is an adult, she has all of the resources in the world to pursue an education, or god forbid read a book. This girl is four years older than me, so no she…
Bingo! Nail on the head. Minaj’s tweet wasn’t a jab at her, but at the industry and at the fact that so many people (read: white) won’t even think about the fact that Bad Blood is no better than so much of what’s out there now and worse than much of it, because Tay’s working the schtick that she’s the virginal, cute…
I don’t think she was insulting Taylor. She was insulting the system that nominated her. She wasn’t going “HEY TAYLOR YOU DON’T DESERVE THIS” so much as she was saying “I fucking deserve this, but I’m not thin and white so I’m not going to get it.” (Frankly, I find it hard to say she’s wrong there.) Either way, she…
It’s almost like black people were barred from winning any awards white people got for many, many, many years and ended up having to make their own awards ceremonies, which have continued long since (especially when a disproportionate number of white people still win those awards).
Your reading comprehension ain’t so great. I said it’s like saying that. I was making an analogy. EVERYWHERE is a special place for white girls to get awards, they don’t need their own, they have it all. Unless, of course, you are one of those “we are post-racial types”, which is not only offensive but really just…
I think bringing up Tidal was actually pretty poignant because it’s creation (or acquisition) was very much in line with why Taylor took her music off of streaming sites like Spotify. She, of course, was lauded for her choice, while Black artists, specifically, were not. It’s not petty to point out the different…
She’s not blaming Swift though. This is a really bad example but say you’re white. Both of us sneeze but only you get “bless yous” from the people around. If I say “okay so apparently if you’re white you’ll get a bless you”, its obviously about you but you don’t really have a reason to feel offended because I’m not…
So by simply discussing the fact that the industry doesn’t reward black women for the same things that white women are rewarded for, she’s criticizing Taylor Swift?
It doesn’t seem that people wanted to make it about Taylor Swift. It was that Taylor Swift wanted to make it about Taylor Swift. This was one place where she could have thought “very slim? Check!” and then backed off and left it at that. Nicki Minaj did not say “stupid” or “untalented”, she said “very slim.” Not…
Her WHOLE catalog is about women’s fat asses? Really? Anaconda is, but Pill n Potions is not. You shouldn’t make ridiculous generalizations just because you don’t like an artist’s music.
I cannot stand it when white women use “women should stick together” to dismiss women of color’s complaints of racism. It’s just like when men of color dismiss women of color’s concerns about sexism because such discussions supposedly aid white supremacy. This is why total and complete intersectionality is important.
So I was a “gifted” child and if you’re “the smart one” it’s really really really hard to say “I don’t know that” or “I’ve never heard of that”. I am probably better at figuring out what someone’s talking about from context while bluffing than I am at any other skill because it was super important to me. I still…
The crazy part is the people in my feed who are decidedly not famous, but follow almost only/all famous people, and either don’t realize that this is a paid promotion or don’t understand(/care?) that they’re not going to be paid when they mimic these posts. Nearly every rando that I went to high school with posts…
The movie might be dumb but T feel obligated to defend john green (the writer of the book). He has actually succeeded in writing really solid and well written YA fiction. Paper towns is basically trying to destory the whole idea of “manic pixie girl.” Also, like anyone who can make a book about two kids dying of…
One of the things I’ve always hated about historical fiction is the plethora of white men who, despite living in racist towns during racist time periods, are not racist at all and oppose racism. Did such people exist? Yes, certainly a few of them did, but they were far from the majority. Yet historical fiction would…