
She flat out insults someone to their face and then does an over the top gasp like she can't believe they would say something back to her.

Cate Blanchett is a treasure.

Because if the serial killer killed Hae, Adnan probably didn't or could be less involved than Jay says. There's no telling why Jay knew about the car. He could have been somehow involved with the guy — he was a drug dealer so hanging out with sketchy people isn't beyond the realm of possibility. And Jay didn't exactly

What happened with testing the DNA on Hae's body against the serial killer's?

Laziness prevails over enthusiasm once again.

Suck it, readers. #teamilliterate

I worked at BB&B in college and people definitely abused the return policy. I'm surprised it took them this long to change it.

I think she did announce early because of her chronic morning sickness.

When I saw the title I thought for sure this was going to be about Sean Penn.

Maybe the fact that it's been 40 years has something to do with her being more comfortable talking about it on the radio.

They missed out on the 2014 tax deduction!

People have sex in cabs?? D: I've made out in one but never sex.

Freemasons and Knights of Columbus are men-only groups.

pics or gtfo

I'm going to a wedding in a few months and the bride's name is spelled wrong on the save the date.

My boyfriend is Latino and I just got an invitation from one of my family members with the English version of his name (think Michael instead of Miguel).

Khloe's Killer Kardio

Oh thank god. I thought this was a man's wedding vows to his step daughter ala Woody Allen.

I keep reading this as "librarian" and wondering who these pushy book people are.