It’s easy to romanticize a place when you don’t live there and think it’s one way when something else in reality. People do that a lot with Paris.
It’s easy to romanticize a place when you don’t live there and think it’s one way when something else in reality. People do that a lot with Paris.
If you want to read something highly disturbing, read about the Nippon Kaigi, Japan’s ultra-nationalistic group that is behind many of its recent troubling political policies. They deny historical events that paint Japan in a less than salutary light, and hope to return Japan to a state similar to their Imperial…
Basically, it boils down to Japan’s constitution renounces their ability to use military force as a way to settle international disputes but for a while has been read in a way to allow them to maintain a self-defense force in case they get attacked. Abe and his party, if they can’t change the constitution outright…
I am a bit phobic about air travel. I’m the spazzy person who white knuckles the arm rest and goes into meditative breathing anytime the captain mentions it’s time to buckle up because we have some turbulence ahead. But twice now I have been seated next to the only person on the plane who was more afraid to fly than I…
What’s your hair cut like??
Can you vote? Yes.
All I’m going to say is there are so many countries where I could not exist. I am a female, educated, single, able to own my own property, my own money, choose who I socialize with and date, work at a job, drive a car, vote, and above all, I can criticize my government as openly as I want. We ain’t perfect, but we’re…
Thank you. What a bunch of pointless, anti-climactic navel gazing with absolutely nothing interesting to say. It reads like a college freshman’s first semester essay.
No, that’s clearly a golf club. Unless you are riding horses REALLY wrong.
Hey, what’s with the golf club? Does she play?
Believe it or not, there is in fact a middle ground between Disney Fairy Tale Ending and Everything Sucks So Hard We’re Not Even Sure Why You’re Watching.
I wanted a 3 tier square shape, small and simple. My ex husbands mother claimed to be the cake boss of the rural south and “could whip that up easy peasy.” She kept me up to date on cake progress and everything she was super stoked, and I bought the hype. Come the day of our wedding (April fools day actually) we get…
True story. My sister once raised money to save the Brazilian Rain Forest despite the fact that she’s not, in fact, a marmoset.
I am gay and see crystal clear how it’s a violation of free speech: The government is compelling the bakery to produce an item that contains a political message it disagrees with. Pretty clear violation of freedom of speech principles right there.
He’s backing what he sees as freedom of speech; it’s pretty clear he does not agree with bigotry.
Hey guys, me and my brother do nothing but hand painted pixel art including custom paintings and statues. Check out our page here!
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