Pumpkin King XXIII

I kinda feel this is going the way of body shaming. There are women out here in real life that do have these body types. I get that sure there are scantily clad large breasted women fighting. But is it because of what they are wearing or the size of their breasts? Because I dont see anything wrong with this, same

You know what’s also illegal? Hiring undocumented workers.

Put a few executives of companies who hire these people in jail and the jobs would dry up overnight. 100% of the assets of a company (or household) found to have an undocumented worker in their employ should be forfeit.

If these ILLEGALS do not want their family split up then they can just hightail their illegal azzes back to where they came from. I do not want their crime, their diseases, their freeloading and the tremendous burden they place on our educational and medical systems.

My family immigrated legally from Colombia, so I’m from the Americas by birth and a legal U.S. citizen as we went through the process. As I apparently fit all of your criteria, I’d be happy to show each of them the door personally if it would make you less squeemish.

We’re not executing them; we’re kicking them out of our nation for violating our law!

Who’s responsible for getting their family splitting up? The illegal invaders! I’m sorry it happens, but that’s the damage theyy face by flaunting our laws.

We’ve been here too long so we all got automatic citizenship. Besides, technically Natvie Americans came from asia so you’re also an immigrant to North America.

If you’re here illegally you should know imprisonment is the end result. It’s like feeling sorry for a bank robber who got caught and thrown in the slammer.

The bias is injected right into the title. Jorge deliberately left out the illegal part in the title. Because “Ice swept up 367 illegal immigrants in raids across the country” would not have the desired affect.

These illegals are taking more in social services then they contribute to the over all economy. They are hired by Liberals to cook and clean so the liberals can escape paying their fair share. These people are here illegally and need to go home. Apply and come LEGALLY! I did!

There is a middle ground... The family leaves.

If you are in the US by illegal means, you have no right to stay here, and you will be taken away. If you immigrate by legal means, the law protects your right to be here.

No one is keeping their families from going with them!

Why don’t parents take the ninos with them?

Anchor babies need to be outlawed enough of this, everytime we have given a little they take advantage of it and throw it back in our face.

I was once in Tapachula, Chiapas Mexico, and I did not have proper documentation, and let me tell you, the Mexican immigration took me to the Guatemalan border and basically told me to get!! Guess what?? No advocasy for me or media coverage, nothing!!! And I am not, was not angry, technically I was in Mexico illegal,

seriously... Stop defending illegal immigration. It’s illegal. It shouldnt be tolerated at all. No matter what. The only ones I feel should be allowed to stay at this point are ones who have established families where they have kids that are citizens. Those ones should be safe because your legal system took too

Get out