
You're right about Korra breaking up with Raava permanently, but that would only work if this was the final episode of anything to do with the Avatar universe forever. Frankly, for the title to make any sense, we need our main character to be a light spirit-infused super being.

I got a downvote for liking the finale two, so I think maybe we just got a rogue hated in the mix. It is just something we all have to live with now, in this new world where downvotes are free to mix with upvotes.

As for number three, I think we have to conclude that the ability to LEARN to bend all four elements is part of being the Avatar.

The cannibals! They're all around us! They're going to eat us all!


Raava came back to life because you can't really kill the light spirit so long as the dark spirit's around. Something about light always casting a shadow and shadow always requiring light to be cast or whatever they're spirits.

Oh, and I absolutely loved the spirit fog prison thing, mostly because once it all dissipated, it seemed unexpectedly small. All those missing people wandering around the same acre or so.

I really hope it's she who dumps Mako, for obvious reasons.

Fun fun stuff that didn't exactly hold together all the way through.

But it can't possibly match that just-mushed taste!

Hey there! I'm probably not going to watch this show. Can I have my gold star now? I'm collecting them.

I'll blink if I wa-

Listen, I absolutely love the goofs on IMDB pages. I'm a connoisseur of that shit. And you, sir, just hit me with the best one I have ever seen ever. I thank you.

Aw man, we're gonna get a whole lot of "New A.V. Club is a lot like Obamacare" jokes in the next few days, but I want every single one of you to recognize that @alienjesus:disqus did it first.


All I got from this is "Honestly this is the first non-porn site I've seen", full stop.

Thanks, OBAMA.

I hate to take attention away from what I am sure is a fine film, but what the fuck just happened to this website?