
No Saab with a Toppola?

Yeah, I dunno. I had a Saab for 6 years and only had an issue twice. Once was with a frisky ex-girlfriend. The other was when a buddy attempted to climb from the front seat to the back seat.

Same experience. Went from a '11 5.0 V8 to a nearly identical '14 3.5 EB. Gas mileage is so close when not towing it's not worth noting the minor improvement with the EB. When towing, I actually get worse gas mileage with the EB. This is with a ~6,500 lbs boat, or a ~2,000 lbs camper.

My EB 4x4 struggles to get 16+ MPG without towing anything. Towing my ~6,500 lbs boat I'm lucky to break 12 MPG. Decent engine, but not nearly as much of a gas miser as all the advertising would have you believe.

You thought the maintenance on a high performance vehicle would be close to a standard vehicle. Hahaha.

Maybe... but the big thing is that it doesn't lock the steering wheel when it does get bumped. And it cannot fully come out of the switch unless the vehicle is in park.

No, it's just the C900s would wear from regular use. Not from getting bumped. So you have to replace the whole cylinder. But this is after ~20 years of use, not 5.

If they do, it doesn't lock the steering wheel. The key won't fully come out unless the Saab is in park. Once it does come out, it is locked in park. So at least you can steer when you lose power.

I also understand percentages. If Moore even donated 10% (5 million) we'd hear about it. Hell, Gabe Newell is known for his "The Heart of Racing" charity that raised $500,000 (1% of Moore's worth, yet only ~0.04% of Newell's). It's not "I haven't heard about it..." it is "There is a complete lack of evidence

Three sheets to the wind? Dropped on your head? What's the deal here?

So Gawker is a completely unbiased website that doesn't immediately shoot down any conservative leaning beliefs? Gawker is worse to liberals than Fox News is to conservatives. Not in a number of people effected, but merely on the How-Extremist-Scale

Did you read the linked article? It quotes data such that even though California has the highest motorcycle rider percentage, it has one of the lowest accidents rates.

So you agree the problem isn't the lane splitting, it's the bad drivers.

Hmmm, Buffett seems to find a way to be amazingly philanthropic, yet still have amazing wealth. Same goes for Bill Gates. I have yet to hear about any rather large donations (or combination of donations/initiatives/foundations/whatever you want to call it) on Moore's behalf. Face it, if the man practiced what he

The funny thing is, I see the term "BENGHAZI!" about a hundred fold more times on Gawker than I have on any conservative (even the few ultra-conservative places I've stumbled across) site. It's comical they are so out of touch they are with their "opponent". I use opponent because Gawker-ites typically see it as a

If I could snag AWD, I would seriously consider it. I don't need massive amounts of ground clearance or the ability to to 7000 lbs. I would just like a bed to throw a couple of mountain bikes and camping gear, or handle some bags of mulch from the hardware store. I'd prefer AWD for all the snow, but I've done just

Are you retarded? First, that is not lane splitting. That is a dick trying to do a shoulder pass. Second, it's a car (rather large compared to a bike) and a truck (extremely large). Third, you seem to lack a firm grasp on any common sense.

You don't need to expect anything. You just need to be an aware driver and doing things like... check your mirrors consistently (especially while changing lanes), check your blind spot, stay in the middle of your lane. You know, standard driving procedure. Do that, and everything will go smoothly.

A horn is far, far more effective. Especially since the exhaust directs the noise backwards. Revv'ing is just "cooler" in some people's books.

Argument still holds. The term "sleeper" is most likely used by far more car people than not. If a non-car person is telling me something is a sleeper, when it clearly isn't, it's like a person saying an M4A1 is the best assault rifle out there because they played COD.