
Sorry, meant the Hurst Hemi Dart... which was then the Hemi Dart SS.

Looks like shit.

Well... from the video it seems like they are going pretty damn fast. Seems like it could have been a contributing factor to the accident.

I've had multiple. Only been stranded once. I'll re-post what I posted before:

Subaru CPO warranty is 7 years or 100k miles on the powertrain. Last time I stopped in it was only like $1300 to make it a bumper to bumper.

1979 Sirocco S - Bought new. No issues. Hit a parked car, never got fixed quite right, sold when the second gen Siroccos came out.

Yeah, if you don't mind a loud interior with cheap materials. If I'm flooring it every where I go, yeah, I'm getting the WRX. If I'm an actual sane adult that has to drive it to work every day and take on the occasional road trip, I'm picking the VW.

Who shit in your oats this morning?

Thanks for adding nothing to the discussion? I'm merely pointing out that a key to the muscle car formula was that they have been relatively affordable. Sure, a few have been damn pricey for their time (Hemi Dart SS, the new Camaro Z28...) but by and large, they have been cheap power.

Well, now that just makes me wonder a couple of things.

Same here. I'm all in support of replacing broken or worn things. But a perfectly restored car is not for me.

I'm not interested until I find out what it costs. Then I will most likely remain painfully not interested.

Is it bad that the biggest reason I was disappointed in the Golf R32 and R is that you couldn't/can't get the plaid seats? Just give me the better seat from the R32/R and cover it in that plaid shit from the GTI.

Seen several of your comments. Yet I'm none the wiser from any of them.

Yes it is. Also, what if my battery dies on the way to the airport? I happen to drop it and break it getting out of the cab that drops me off? Suddenly I'm not allowed to travel with a broken phone or one that has a battery? Seems pretty damn stupid to me.

Exactly. But if you've got an android you can just use google wallet or whatever it is. Just happened to be one of the examples that popped into me head of industry companies coming together to save money, time and resources.

More road courses, less ovals/squares/eggs/circles/rectangles...

But... it isn't a union. They aren't fighting for rights as owners. From the sound of it, it looks like they are trying to do things like save money buy "buying in bulk" (industry-wide travel partners), or pooling data and brain power to work through technical issues. I see it as AT&T joining with Verizon, TMobile

Yeah... for our "safety."