Pumibellicose is really a Binturong

So no ducks to advertise my yard sale. *sigh of disappoint. Oh well, my black cat just gave birth to a black kitten yesterday. It is under my bed so I just got a look a few minutes ago! 😹

I thought this was a myth? Maybe not, as people are just so awful at times!

I hadn’t connected the black cat prejudice to latent racism. I just figured it was the old superstitions that made this an issue. You know, like how some people are freaked out by goats.

I have only adopted black cats from shelters! People still have this stupid hangup?

😹 happy cry😹 I learned that my wiener mix could not be trusted at parties with drunk humans and open alcohol because she would slurp up our drinks on the sly. Drunk stubby-legged long-bodied dogs have a hard time keeping their front and back legs coordinated. She loved her some Captain Morgan and Coke, but I am…

Still hated that movie.

Thats a huge tennis court.

Well even the most curmudgeonly shut-in would dust off his/her party shoes to go to THAT!

Nope. Not me. ETA but who hasn’t done that at least once? That stall is no virgin, believe me!

You will have to take my Fresca from my cold, dead hand, you uncouth bubble squelcher!

You know, I agree with quitting smoking (I did back in 2003), and sunscreen, water, tea, but you can keep the killer workout shit. BTW, you would probably love Korean skincare products, especially the sunblock. I haven’t had a zit in months, and so many visible reminders of past sins ....poof-erased! Plus the…

Man I am already crying😹

Thank you- I was going to ask the same question!

In this pic she looks like Phoebe from Friends.

Did you just cite another work to get past that snag? I don’t know anything about AMA style, but if that would trigger plagiarism in APA, we just find a source to make it legal. Your software is pretty rigorous!

It’s almost instinctual for me to get snarky and bitchy towards beauty queens, but I like these ladies.

Thing is, we still have the original to watch no matter how good or bad the reboot is. I don’t see a reason to get mad.

I got mad when I heard about the remake because it made me feel old. I saw the original in the theater. I remember screaming like a a little girl when the librarian ghost went from “awe how sweet” to “ZOMG I’ll kill you!” when the GBs wouldn’t shush. Well, I was a little girl, so that was okay.

Oh, I know. I was snarking at the person who did. Actually, I assumed it wasn’t yours, which wasn’t very bright, either, because if I were wrong I’d be insulting you. So I apologize for posting thoughtlessly.

I plan to get this for my daughter soon, but I had similar issues with availability and doctors earlier. Some were anxious about the vaccine because it was new (I admit that this bothered me too), while others claimed it was useless. I think they give the vaccines at my local Wal-Mart now, so I guess we could do it…