
Tower Records already did.

Watch "Movies"? Listen to "Music"? What other new releases have I missed? Who stars? I'm so lost. I miss "Lost". No, I don't.

I'm jazzing on all this jizzing!

Tower Records - what's that?

Or tug boat.

I want to see that new British transgender comedy, 2 Bloke-Girls.

I have an Uncle Ebb.

Dental porn?

I use mine as a "dick-tograph". Gurrrrghlll fnork….

"…(A)nd the voice white people imitate and the Jello Pudding Pops." HehHehHeh…well, that's about what we do!

Raus mit Der Gay Hund!

But I really, really like lemons!

Did Caine break Able? Was it Dean Caine? Kirk Cameron will have terse words with you.

Lemons are not flammable, and Sir, I need a receipt before I can issue you a refund for said lemons. Sorry, life store policy.

G. Gordon Liddy was the inspiration for Oscar the Grouch.


It's a cookbook!

That's a bad hat, Harry.