
I have both my thumbs and forefingers stored and I haven't had a lick of trouble with Touch ID. Maybe you're doing something wrong?

"Google has other ways to obtain the data they want"

Their death would likely be slow and very unpleasant. After they have no water left to drink, their kidneys would eventually shut down. They would experience hallucinations and dementia, and finally fall into a sleep from which they would not wake.

Very, very, verywell said!

I used OneNote during my Master's program back in the early 2000's (mostly for taking hand-written notes on a Motion Computing Tablet PC). My biggest gripe with OneNote was — and continues to be — the sheer size of OneNote Notebooks, and how difficult it is to switch between Notebooks.


Sorry, dude. :(

Dear Limited LHer:

I've always felt like you should dress slightly better than the office dress code. You don't want to overdo it, because then folks will think you don't understand the nature of the work you've applied for and whether or not a suit and tie is appropriate for that, etc. But remember this one thing: You only get one

As an LMT, I would like to add a few things here:

Prostate massage is not legal in all states because some methods of prostate massage are deemed "invasive" as they require digital penetration of the rectum. The non-invasive forms of prostate massage all involve manipulation of tissue in areas of the body that are against the law to touch in most other states.

"Sensual" and "Full Release" massage is illegal in most states, and is therefore not approved by the accrediting boards.

As an LMT, I can tell you that deep tissue massage is going to be painful to some extent, because it's also intended to work the muscle groups that are deeper in the body (i.e. below the surface muscles; for instance, there are three muscles in your calves, two that are what you consider your calf muscles, and then

"Google can be blocked with many of the same ways you can kick the NSA and Facebook from your life."

What did it for me was something I read a few years back, either on Gizmodo, or Engadget, that said Google was looking at moving their data servers offshore into international waters, so that no government could regulate what they did with the data.

"Imagine this world without Google! No YouTube, no Google Search, no Gmail."

Pretty much. :)

Yes, functionally that is true. Figuratively, they are sell us to companies based on highly-specific demographics collected at the expense of infringing on our privacies.

Costco will do that too if you tell the cashier you left your coupons at home.

They are HUGELY evil!