
Rest of the world says to Kirk Cameron “Shut up and disappear for ever.”

Its just one slowmo shot of a guy running and punching some random person.

Oh Hai, Luke you shaved your beard.

I read all the Conan Doyle Sherlock stories for a book report at school, I even dressed as Sherlock for the report and continued to wear the Deerstalker cap for another two years after that.. No I didn’t ever get a date in High School. Why do you ask?

I already know I will watch at least season one no matter what. And it will be through a torrent as well cause who is going to get a new damn streaming service.

Does anyone think this show will be good? The Teen Titans are my favorite team so I hope, but so far nothing has giving me any idea where this will land.

Didn’t a rumor say that Batman would kill Lord by breaking his neck? Like what Wonder Woman did in the comics.

Nothing but Game of Thrones articles on the AV Club.

Its been a week and I still have trouble following the comments and the site for that matter.

Hell till I saw a link on twitter I didn’t even know there was a new Random Roles.

So far I can’t see any point to most features anymore, unless they say Game of Thrones.

So its going to be really popular for two months then disappear?

You made the right decision.

Could it be those movies just weren’t good?

Last I heard ratings were down here in America. Is that true?

This is all cause they believe in the Gospel of Prosperity, which means they suffer cause they’er evil not due to any other reason. If they were good people then god wouldn’t let them suffer.

Still hurts a little that he is gone.

My theory is they helped finance Suicide Squad cause they were starting to run low on thing they could slap Nightmare Before Christmas on.

Who is this for? Does anyone want this? 

I really want this show to be good. I loved the cartoon and enjoyed the live action series.