Pulpo Perdida

Totally agree! I just don’t follow the correlation in the article. I don’t think being homeless made these men violent. I think they more likely have personality disorders (or other underlying issues) that made them violent AND unable to hold down housing or employment. 

What?! Help people?! What kind of country do you think this?!?!

One of my best friends is a psychiatric social worker for Skid Row in Los Angeles.

There’s a cut storyline where they kissed! The entire cut line is that they kissed, Marla came back to the League (now pregnant, and on a different team), and Dottie was distracted and slid directly into Marla during the game. The scene where she’s crying when Bob comes home was originally supposed to follow that

she absolutely SHOULD HAVE fucked Tom Hanks!!! 

“So you’re choosing A BABY over US?”

I’m not a big facebook person, but I share every article I can find about young people who have died/gotten seriously ill with COVID I come across.

S.W.O.R.D. Director Tyler Haywood (Josh Stamberg) is a more banal villain than Agatha, likely because he doesn’t have a viral theme song. However, he’s no less sadistic.

That is an extremely thirsty album cover.

I have two thoughts on this topic (also I am a cis-gendered man so take all of this with a grain of salt).

So it seems this all stems from the SCOTUS nomination event, with the GOP smugly flaunting their hypocrisy. And now, among others, Thom Tillis and Mike Lee are positive as well, both of whom are on the Judicial committee. Both clearly will be required to move the nominee out of committee, as they won’t get any help

Imagine if the religious fundamentalist hackjob of a Judge they try to ram into the court before leaving is the Typhoid Mary of the entire operation. 

I predicted you were going to post that.

The fact that QAnon started with one dipshit poster on 4Chan makes me think I need to up my internet game. Anyone want to help me start a doomsday cult in the Gizmodo comments?

She can’t be a very good cop if she hasn’t been able to solve the crime that is those eyebrows.

The short answer is “The next time a BIPOC tells you that you need to do something immediately otherwise things will be worse than you imagine in four years - or two years - or six weeks - then don’t argue, don’t be dismissive, don’t pooh pooh them, don’t tell them Bill Barr is an institutionalist - believe them the fi

the way I'm reading it, the way to be a good ally is to just be there. there's nothing wrong with joining in the conversation, but we need to make sure we recognize that it's not about us. Kind of like feminist men. they absolutely can be a feminist even though they are men, but it's not all about them. like, yes,

To think someone can benefit from white privilege for decades and to be raised the product of an obviously un-equal society and not to let that seep in is kind of ridiculous.

Didn't someone once say that he who is wisest is him who admits he knows nothing? I've found, equally paradoxically, that, as a white person, I may contribute less to the system of racism the more I recognize just how racist I truly am.