Pulpo Perdida

Huh. The more you know.

Looks around shiftily. I can in no way relate to what you are describing. Yup, in no way.

Goddamn it, just about to post the Graham Norton clip and you beat me too it.

Soma alum represent! I’m still having trouble getting my head around the fact this happened at south mountain

I’m on a temporary break from my diet just until I can figure out what’s happening in the cookie jar. It needs serious and repeated investigation.


you are doing the lord’s work.

I literally got so uncomfortable I had to stop and take a break part way through. But it was fascinating in a warped way. I can’t imagine what it was like in the audience.

I was so impressed with her!

This totally validated my long time crush on her.

My pleasure. DLM is generally a fun podcast!

Exactly. I sort of felt bad for Anne by the end (although I was happy she got kicked off). It felt like she was trying to kinda do a bit, and just was failing miserably. When Onur starting cursing Doug out though, that was when I was like...”There is something seriously wrong with this guy.”

It’s certainly excruciating. That said I do think Sandra comes off well.

Now playing

Can we also take this opportunity to discuss the completely batshit episode of the Doug Loves Movies Podcast that features Sandra, Anne, and the director? The first 20 minutes is one of the most uncomfortable things I’ve listened to in a while.

...Did a flag hit Auri in the head in the middle of her song or am I hallucinating?

“Legitimately Baffling Turns At Any Second” is such a great pull quote to describe her comedy, I may steal it for future use.

Thats a bummer. Then again, I don’t know a comedian who hasn’t bombed, and I respect her for trying out such personal material.

I’m so jealous that you got to hang with her!

I love both you and your mom.

Totally. She’s brilliant!