
Okay. From what I recall Davos had a real close conversation with her with tears in his eyes. I figured he knew. He wanted hr to stay with him but when Stannus said no Davos knew what was going to happen.He is my fave character in this whole thing.

Isnt that what i said?

You actually watch those commercials? Thats what pvr's were invented for.

Vinyl is an overacted piece of fluff. The cheesy make up and bad wigs and bad acting ruins any realism it might have. GOT is the best tv series maybe of all time. Sopranos was great but this is a whole new world with the greatest sets and scenery I have ever seen. The acting is superb and screenplay likewise. Pay

From what I remember he knew exactly what was going to happen to her. That was why he was sent away by Stannis.

Sorry. I never got the whole Vulcan thing.

I'd like her to show up on TWD and fry creepy Carl.

I think she looks hot.

Ian would never get to even apply to be a firefighter without high school minimum.

Worse than rain storms pounding car windshields while the sun is clearly shining in the background?

Couldn't he just buy a quart of paint and paint over the damage?

Whats going on is frank is prostituting out his 16 year old daughter. Fiona got her just desserts from gus and her self rightious thing about carls money has disappeared along with any credibility this show ever had. Why that hot professor wanted anything to do with goofy looking lip is a mystery. GOT cant come soon

Also a nod to goodfellas when dekker says he got pasta and ketchup. Witness protection program.

You're a pussy.

What about her former boss and his brother? Class act she is.

True. But I hate to see a good show give up on itself. The first 2 seasons were just "out there" and a ton of fun. Now they are reaching so far it stretches credibility to the point of goofiness.

Fiona is a douche. The only thing consistant throughout the show so far is that she will bang anything and then expect us as viewers to feel bad it turns out bad. I dont think I ever saw a tv character feel so sorry for herself after getting what she deserves.

Fiona is a slut. Nothing less. The show is obsessed with sex and is starting to get non sensical. The carl thing is way over the top. Going to juvy was a joke because the only thing with the dope that could be remotely proven is that he touched the bags it was in. Wil Sasso apparently was paralized from the waist down

You are an idiot. Go away.