
Counterpoint: she’s a garbage person who willingly married an even larger garbage person to reap the benefits of unimaginable material wealth, so fuck her. If she feels humiliated, that’s a good thing because it means she has a tiny shred of humanity left inside her.

This is the least surprising thing any modern Republican (and plenty of non-Republicans as well!) could say. Of course they don’t view it as important - if they did...they’d be ENTIRELY DIFFERENT.

As someone who really only shows up for the NBA playoffs, who is not a player in the league, is it that the talent is consolidated to a few teams due to them wanting to play together, or because it’s so shallow teams can corner the market on good enough talent?

That team would’ve beaten Trinidad and Tobago! smh

Slightly off topic, but every time I see USMNT I translate it to “United States Mutant Ninja Turtles.”. Carry on.

the men offered to pay him $10,000 and promised to introduce him to Bannon

Dowd’s statement was polite but totally untrue. He knows that 45 is guilty of a lot of crimes and was illegally elected. But, everyone should be entitled to the best defense they can afford. However, one thing lawyers cannot abide by are lies upon lies upon lies upon lies ... They can twist the truth but they expect

Given that we know 90% of what comes out of Trump’s mouth is an out and out lie, this is 100% why he quit. Trump wants to talk because he thinks he’s so smart and never faced any consequences for his bullshit ever, Dowd actually knows better. Not to mention Trump probably loves his new conspiracy theory lawyer because

Pump the brakes, Saul is way out of Feckless Donny’s league.

Better Call Saul!

Trump is a Toxic Client with a capital “T”, underlined and bolded, with a few exclamation points to boot.

There is no Chaos, only great Energy!

Not one, but two women let Jr. flop around on top of them. Incredible.

No, it’s not - to answer your last question. To report on them as the writer does here.. is normalizing who and what they are. It is white privilege. It is Tina Fey saying just eat cake and ignore what happened in Charlottesville, and it is CNN and the rest normalizing the racist in chief. POC can’t just sit back and

The more advertisers flee the bigger the Mercer checks have to get. Which is less money to fund their other horrible activities so...

I mean, isn’t Breitbart pretty much synonymous with all of those already? At this point saying Breitbart is racist is redundant.

Even money says it’s a trump-supporting racist.

I delved into the horror show that is Facebook in the aftermath of Maria. An awful lot of Americans are unaware that Puerto Ricans are too.

Some of my family members still dont have power or water, though they live in the mountains.