
Yeah, the weirdest part about the Browns bragging about trading down is that they traded down more than almost any team in the NFL even BEFORE beginning The Process: NFL Edition.

Kizer is more valuable to the Browns leadership not playing. That way he remains an asset. If he plays he becomes butt. Considering the Browns have somehow pulled off The Process trick of convincing everyone they’re doing a good job by being terrible, Hogan is the smart play.

That does it. Time to fire everyone, scrap everything, and switch back to the 3-4. It’s sure to work this time!

This just in, Browns suck, sky is blue. More at 11.

This guy’s a complete idiot. This is going to blow up spectacularly in his face, and fuck the GOP in Congress while he’s at it. As a progressive, I’m stoked.

This is like Flint water crisis and Greek negotiation against Germany rolled up into one. How much will all this add to costs down the line? As if the current bill is not big enough, now we’ll have to add health issues and child development issues (and education, but who’s even thinking about that now?) to the bill

Left-hand lady of the chief-of-babysitting-Staff is definitely a safe and uncontroversial (used incredibly lightly). Nothing too much to see here I feel.

Im pretty sure Trump nominated her because he thinks she’s Claire Danes,

Who watches daytime tv? Old people and white women, both uber-conservative groups. I don’t think it was a stretch to think they might dig someone from Fox. I think its a statement of just how gross Megyn Kelly is that she can’t even get other gross people to check it out

And, as many people know, passed in response to the First Bowling Green Massacre. So important.

Yep — right after the Lusitania was sunk, the oppression of black people was solved.

I’d like to think Austria-Hungary had a lot to do with it, but I know that’s controversial.

The Civil Rights Act of 1917 really was a landmark piece of legislation now that I think about it.

There’s now way Trump wrote this. It’s not about him (trump). Anybody else doesn’t exist or matter.

Welcome to the future of democracy. In every election big money (including the billionaire President) threatens to back whoever runs against you if you get out of line. You can openly speak your mind, tell the truth, and represent the interests of your constituents, if and only if, you’ve already decided not to run

It’s stunning the neo Nazis would have attempted such a thing again after the stern condemnation they received from the President of the United States the last time.

As Harvey’s new lawyer I will HUNT you down and SUE you for your DISGUSTING lies. I will RUIN you pal.

I’m sure everything was fine until she was backed into a corner and forced to watch him jerk off into a ficus tree.

White nationalist drives car into group of people protesting his racist beliefs: Disturbed, unhinged individual who needs treatment and understanding.

If we’re not being openly racist (we are, but pretend we’re not) then absolutely the FBI needs to label White Identity Extremists as a terrorist threat too.

Will they? No, because they’re racist as fuck.