
Really, it shows how unprepared and seat-of-the-pants amateurism takes place in broadcast news.

If Erin Andrews is a qualified reporter, then I am a qualified brain surgeon.

Lena says, "I don't get it."
Yes, we know.

Love it. Best baseball story I've read this year.

This is bad. I do not like to read about these things. It gives me the creeps. Sort of like eating pickle loaf.

Mushnick is absolutely correct. Network gasbags are embarrassing to the English language.

But Costas is right this time.

Honey, get Jean-Claude Killy on the phone. Quick!

Good one.

And we are supposed to believe the commercial drones will be tested only at these sites? Okay, I believe it. I believe it.

Right on.

Seriously, she was hired as a pretty face —- not for brains or sports knowledge.

The proposed projects are all well and good — but none of the artists' renderings captured the essence of the dirt, grime and general filth of the city that has been and always will be the footprint of a city so large.

Send Tyler Van Buren Esq. to Olympics as the delegation's legal adviser.

I do not trust the NCAA's leadership.

Sucks is a crutch word. No need to use it on serious, quality programming. But then, ESPN is hardly a serious programming effort.

You have got to be kidding? Seriously? What a joke. Not even worth comm...

Good story. I had never heard about this. I watched Sam lacy do sports commentary for years in the Balto area.

Good story. I enjoy public works stories.

Cheese it! Da' cops!