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with a simple mention of this site's name a pretty lame sketch becomes brilliant in the minds of the AV Club.

can't wait to check the mailbox every Friday!!

hysterical. people getting up in arms over some dumb awards show that means really nothing. Jerry Seinfeld said it best "awards are stupid" https://www.youtube.com/wat… get over it.

Alison Brie, huh? I remember watching GLOW in the mid-80s. Most of the wrestlers looked like Divine.

Too bad Girlfriend's Day isn't worth the digital files it was shot on.

In the immortal words of Michael Scott…… "Boobs."

a lot of people in Hollywood could use this advice…..

get over it people…..

hmmmm something's up if the AV Club are highlighting a Jimmy Fallon bit.

lemme guess… the entire first episode will be about the "shout out" on SNL?

they did a horrible job with that commercial. if they wanted to "resurrect" that character why not just get another dog and make another commercial? why give him a voice and make him look freakish with those long limbs? seriously did no one in the board room bring that up?

you guys forgot to tie this into SNL briefly mentioning this site in last week's episode. I'm sure you'll update it though.

give it a rest. we're not impressed. it's getting embarrassing.

when franchises get this deep into the number of movies that have been made where people have numerous times tried to do exactly what he's saying they'll do it's best to just not make anymore.

because most celebrities are shallow and want awards given to them.

i come from similar stand point as Erik (wonder if he's such a fan he's even read Samuari Widow?) All of this stunt casting is fine and i'm not taking anything away from them but it'd be nice if SNL actually looked in-house for someone to play some of these parts. that's all….

no one will ever top Tim & Eric when it comes to Totino's. Nice try SNL but not even close.

ok ok stop acting like a 14-year-old girl. what does this mean, you're gonna stop being critical of the show?

another reason not to watch

ah…. how about SNL use an actual cast member to play these people? Remember them? The cast? Look, I'm not saying McCarthy wasn't funny as Spicer and as much as I'm sick of Alec Baldwin in general his imitation of Trump is fine. I mean everyone's imitation of Trump is exactly the same. It's a pretty easy one to pull