Puke Ellington

They think Ajit Pai is all the Democrats fault or something

You’re saying this guy can’t put an ejector seat in my car?

Um, Star Trek?

Or people

Because that money should be spent on Americans who need help, but are weak for being on welfare

It means you’re willing to associate with non-white foreigners as equals. Or something else just as awful

This is even worse than I’d imagined.

They were yelling a few months back about how they needed their own Game of Thrones and unfortunately this is what they landed on.

Doesn’t he talk about how Vader’s weakness made him leave the darkside?

Beggars CAN supply kidneys

She went on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee a while ago, that was the first I’d heard of her. It’s by far the worst episode of the series because she did it all in character. There was like 15 minutes of Miranda and then 2 minutes of Colleen who I found really funny and charming. I have no idea why they did that.

I bet they have a cyber chat scene where Velma excitedly types out “J1NKZ!”

It’s just 90 minutes of great Danes doing it and subsequently giving birth

Man, and I thought the Universal Monster Universe was a bad idea...

Heath Ledger’s month as the Joker in a hotel room comes to mind

“ A showbiz story involves his collaboration with Laurence Olivier on the 1976 film Marathon Man. Upon being asked by his co-star how a previous scene had gone, one in which Hoffmann’s character had supposedly stayed up for three days, Hoffmann admitted that he too had not slept for 72 hours to achieve emotional

The absolute worst fucking Xmas song is Must Be Santa but Little Drummer Boy is in the pantheon

Damn I was out by 2pmish on Black Friday