Puke Ellington

"but I listen to them too!"

"Martha" is just the sound of a post-mortem fart

While I don't debate that the quality dipped, I loved The Office straight through to the end

Agreed. Though I like everyone involved in Parks and Rec getting that sweet syndication money

They already have that. I think they called it Ye Olde Worksyboxy

I think The Farm tanking as a pilot made nbc wary of that idea

That was the only time in my life where I blocked out an entire night of the week to watching a single channels lineup.

Thanks a bunch, that one Comedy Central Roast

I wish more people were watching The Good Place

I tried to watch it once a few years ago and it was all shit I saw on YouTube months ago

I seriously don't know why they cancelled it.


Also Bitch Hunter

Weee made it!

They've made Mandela With Joe Rogan several times at this point

You mean you didn't like Sam, who's gimmick was being less mean than Dr Cox without being funny but she's hot so it's ok?

Zach Braff is too busy with his hugely successful career as a filmmak- I'm sorry this is too mean, even for him


A Twitter feed about nothing

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