Puke Ellington

Through science, OR magic!

NBC is trying to do this to make money

Who's Adam? You mean Steve's friend?

FX is pretty much the only change I have confidence in, and they still gave us The Strain and American Horror Story

People seem to hate The Flash these days, but for some reason also can't stop watching it? Idk.

I love 30 Rock and The Office sooooo much but they both ended perfectly. The Office could maybe be funny in a "Where Are They Now?" capacity. But there's absolutely no way in my mind that I could see more 30 Rock making sense

Buy this lazily-designed $30 hunk of plastic because it looks slightly like a character from your favorite show, but not as much as it looks like every other fucking one we make!

Yeah! Then you old heads could watch about 17 minutes of it and grumble that this new generation of music is so stupid and nobody makes good videos anymore and remember how good The Cure's videos were, why doesn't the youth-centric music channel play more of The Cure?

Where do I sign up to get fired from my job?

Also The Toadies

I enjoyed everything involving Doctor Teeth, as always. I was more into the show in general than most here but it didn't hold me past episode 6 or 7.

I am legitimately interested in more Pepe the Prawn being a sexual deviant

Well your gonna love Ultimate In Your Face Redesigns Man

Mall kiosks have been shaking in their boots since the NES classic dropped

This will probably sell just because they're available when the NES and SNES sell out

Former nerd parents who want to introduce games to their young kids, but the problem is those parents grew up well after the 2600 era at this point

Ok, as somebody who made that jump directly, games are infinitely easier than they used to be, right? And not even in a "you die, it's over" way but the general difficulty of games has gone way down

That's why that weird NINTENDO SEAL OF APPROVAL thing was so important back in the NES days. Atari had no QC over their library and it led to the public perception that many games were broken, awful pieces of shit

Because why would they if thousands of soon-to-be disappointed nerds wearing their nostalgia goggles will do it for them?

I grew up in the 90s with a garage sale NES as my only system. Later on when I was about 13 I found an Atari at a flea market but it maybe only got a weekends worth of use