Puke Ellington

*sheepishly admits that I got super hyped by that*

Well, yeah. That's what I think we'd ALL want to see. But Disney ain't letting that happen

Casamigos is my favorite tequila and I really hope they don't change it at all

A Jedi Western by James Mangold would be amazing

Right, exactly, that is not a group working together

As someone who has watched the extended cut, with the pirate cartoon included, several times, and loved it, I don't really see why this is necessary. Sure, maybe we get a better access than Malin Ackerman playing Silk Spectre, but like… Idk. Seems unnecessary, and all I can see them doing in taking this from what

Idk with Han at least you have Chewie and Lando to fill out the plot. I'm excited for this Han movie, though this news is definitely concerning

Idk I've always taken that scene in Empire as him being very distinctly not working with the other bounty hunters that were there. That's why he's alone when he catches up with Han

"Remember Shadow the Hedgehog?!?"

So close to my retirement!

*Kevin Smith starts frantically calling his agent*

Trying to balance all those baneeners on his head really took a lot outta him

See I feel like that's also lame. Fett is a lone wolf. That concept definitely climaxes with some kind of "THIS IS A FAMILY" nonsense

Exactly. Besides the one video game they did in the 00s, everything they've ever done with him outside the OT has made him less cool Imo. A solo movie would undoubtedly make him serve as a hero, which sucks. The only thing I could see working is him showing up as a secondary antagonist in the Han Solo movie

I feel like we've dodged a bullet with the Trank movie being canned.

Not if the whole planet gets vaporized

Did you miss that? Shortly after the election Pence and his wife went to a show and after the curtain call the whole cast, led by Lin Manuel, gave a short speech/request directed at Pence, that he use his platform to protect people like the ones he was seeing on the stage that night (minorities, lgbtq, women).

See: the many rubes who declared they would boycott Hamilton for disrespecting Mike Pence.

No, they don't

Yep, I've recently been seeing it a lot more often in the North East. It's a little pricey tho