Puke Ellington

And footrests, evidently

Puppy Monkey Baby

Fair point

This seems especially puzzling though because there aren't any human roles in it. So why bother?

"community of dudes who spend their entire day trading in-jokes on the internet"

>implying Rampage isn't beloved

I think the second channel is sometimes for like, videos they are not quite their main thing? Like personal vlogs or "funny" videos.

Interesting article but I WILL NOT sit idly by while you slander the NES Jaws

Just move Seth Meyers to Prime Time and have him only do his political stuff

Whether or not it was a fruitful or well-advised visit is another question, but I sincerely doubt there was any malicious or insincere intent behind it.

I don't know what makes you say the schools thing is nonsense. Kanye has a long history of giving money and advocating for better schooling in Chicago and nationwide. And if he felt like he had an opportunity to go advocate for that to the new president, why wouldn't he?

Thank you. As a fan of his, it's been really tough to watch him get dragged for the Trump stuff, along with a lot of his other recent behavior, because dude has clearly been going through it. The Trump Tower visit was unfairly slammed, because Kanye really did go there with good intentions, and left without speaking

Someone caught a video of Malia shaking her ass a bit at Lollapalooza and I saw it posted with SLUT DAUGHTER on it almost instantly


10 Cloverfield Lane was dope tho

Must have run out of memberberries

Except Boomers are objectively awful

As a millennial (uhg), GenXers are cool. It's Boomers who can eat a fat sack of dicks. They were in charge when the economy tanked, they overwhelmingly vote solely in their own interests, and if I recieve one more fuckin single word email from some old asshole I'm gonna snap.

Judy Dench

Stan Lee catches the armor, looks at it for a moment and then says "next time" as he leaves it on the floor and shuffles away.