Puke Ellington

This is the first thing I think of every single time I see Solomon Grundy

The research is RIGGED

Once again. Neither you nor Dan Harmon have worked tirelessly to thrust yourself into the spotlight of variously social causes, only to then be a complete ass once you have everyone's attention. The issue is that Dunham wants to wrap herself in the glory of these movements without accepting the responsibility for her

Context context context. Comedy Bang Bang is a comedy show. Lena Dunham was on a podcast devoted to women's issues.

Eh. At least Lena tries to do things.

Because apparently the 90s are out and 2011 food meme nostalgia is in

"I wish I had an abortion. Lol jk I was kidding when I said that isn't abortion funny?" Isn't radical. It's deeply misguided. And plays into that idiotic conservative belief that women just have abortions willy nilly because it's trendy or something.

I agree 100% with this. If this were one misstep among a long life of public good, that'd be one thing. But Lena Dunham habitually thrusts herself into issues she isn't REALLY a part of, tries to make them about herself and ends up saying and doing some pretty offensive shit without ever actually making amends. All

-Wayne Gretzky
-Michael Scott

I think it sucks that entertainers insert themselves into serious situations, expect to be taken seriously, but then hide behind their role of an entertainer when they fuck up and say something stupid and act like nobody should be taking them seriously

She's a narcissist above all else. That's why she says stuff like this. She loves the attention

Thank you for reminding me of this bit of brilliance

Well he totally dodged her facts about black people being predisposed to shooting cops hawhaw he got pwnd.

I mean… It's working, so are the people in charge wrong?

I was constantly amazed at how calm he remained. Stewart and Oreilly never had that much poise in a debate

If he can get them to come on his show. Unfortunately, his transition has diminished TDS's relevance. That means it's much harder to get the big wigs to come on. It's much less beneficial on their part to come to a show with an ideological slant against their own that isn't being watched by the millions Stewart used

O fuck

This is a really important point that I never really knew about as a young person. I've always viewed the colorblind thing as willful ignorance but never understood where it came from. Thanks for this

Thank God

Wait really?