Puke Ellington

By too old, I think he meant "not interested at all"

Babou will be played by Burt Reynolds

The AV Club

I really dislike what happened with Barry. If they cyborg archer back to life we could finally have that robot fight, but now Barry's had a happy ending and a mother and it'd be weird to bring him back to kill archer again.

The problem is that they didnt have the full season's plot figured out. Reed himself said they got kinda stuck with how to push the plot forward about halfway through the season

I hope Damage Control is still coming to ABC as a sitcom

just bring frisky dingo back. or combine them

*mixed vegetables

Wait but what about this, here me out, Inspector Gadget Archer

This would be great as a one-off 30 minute special, but probably not as a movie. If nothing else, at some point the obvious ADR would drive me insane

Now THIS is something worth hating sight unseen

Ya know, I see a lot of snark directed towards RPO here in articles relating to the movie. I read it, I thought it was pretty enjoyable, if silly. But here's something that pushed me to buy it when I saw it in B&N:

nah, Verizon is Comcast's biggest competitor on the TV/Phone/Internet front

Also, jesus this Oscar opening number was ill conceived

Man those videos were interesting but what a fucking awful way to present a roundtable.

Don't care. New 30 Rock is new 30 Rock. Plus, I don't think Verizon is connected to NBC in any way.

Keep in mind, anybody who's talking to the press is putting their job on the line. So either they're stupid, not closely involved in the production, or both.

Maverick Leader, standing by!

I'm legitimately interested in seeing that

Well, he reshot the ending so it didn't end with Dante being brutally murdered. A solid choice.