
I’ve been a Mets fan for too fucking long to not know how this ends...

Are you serious? Callaway is so in over his head. And Vargas is the worst SP in the majors.

Found the Trump voter.

Nice try, Mickey

Most Brewers’ game attendees are from nearby Waukesha County. A hyper conservative, nearly all white, exurban dump also referred to as Walkersha County for it’s endless support of Scott Walker.

Can’t say I disagree with Sanders as it relates to Mello. If the left wants to win, then they actually have to turn an eye away from purity bullisht and toward...y’know...actually getting some points up on the fucking board.

Venezuela was fucked under capitalism, too. I love how people tend to have selective, and terribly short, memories when it suits their ideological outlooks. Or perhaps they never had memories to begin with, but simply chose to be completely fucking ignorant about everything other than the narrow target of their