I eagerly await all of the inevitable excel jokes.
I eagerly await all of the inevitable excel jokes.
1. Nothing we play is original. 2. Yes it is.
I've played every single Halo game and didn't know about any of those combat tips.
BF has always been one of those games that I'd rather watch than play.
Today I am bringing out the big guns and announcing Battlefield 5, the obvious technical solution that our fans deserve.
Nope. I can't even pronounce the word "photogrammetry", let alone try to understand how it works.
Might want to add that the money isn't even for the "game", it's for him to go buy a van to live in.
Yup, this is spam.
If any of you guys are employers/bosses, what do you think of more "artsy" resumes? I've been looking at templates, and most are all the typical generic stuff we've all seen thousands of times, but some are really slick looking and I'm sure would help me stand out.
Yep, that fits the description of what an unsocialized man child would do when interacting with other humans.
iPad and PC.
Click bait title 101.
A lot. They make even more taking %30 of every sale from every other game.
BF3 was the last BF game for me.
I haven't been following this story much, but it doesn't really sound like anyone is saying he's innocent... Any truth to that?
But seriously though, tl;dr version please.
Bargon watchi pax Solo, hoohoohoo.
I paid $60 for Titanfall, played it for about 8 hours over 3 days, and then put it down. I've been playing League of Legends nearly every day for 5 years, and get made fun of when I support the developers with a $4 skin.