$600?? Wow, next time tell her to grab one of the templates from 12resumes.com, they let you pay anything you want. I hope she got the job.
$600?? Wow, next time tell her to grab one of the templates from 12resumes.com, they let you pay anything you want. I hope she got the job.
Funny how these two "high-profile" devs can't seem to keep a job.
How often are you guys paid by publishers/sponsors/buzzfeed to write or post about their content without it being tagged as an advertisement?
Too much information.
I'm sorry. 2048 and all other clones of Threes has made Battlefield obsolete.
You win dumbest comment of the day.
Instagram, WhatsApp. Jk, not enough time has passed.
I can't hear you over my gamer entitlement.
So I'll take that as a no.
Not every developer has the pockets Mojang has.
Haha I know right! I don't even understand why anyone would want to see virtual
"albums" of pictures! I just take my film to the local photography lab and print them out, and then mail them by courier to my friends! Technology doesn't improve anything, especially when you have people who have no vision in charge!
Would you pay FB to not sell your data?
I always put "no brazilians" when making custom game rooms in League of Legends, it actually attracts people more quickly.
Bitcoin is for idiots.
World of Tanks is pretty big. It made something like $370 million last year.
This is the best feature on Kotaku. Keep up the good work Shane.
Tax is added at the till.
Developers develop on PC and then port, his comment is completely valid.