
#teamcat is pleased as punch.

I LOVE that my Facebook page is like 95% happiness and rainbows and the few conservative FB friends I have left are just SILENT. As they should be. If you can’t say something nice, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT.

They’re so SALTY!!! I live...

At what point should I stop drinking tears if I have to drive later on?

You are wrong. Sex is only awesome if you’re married and birth control is for defiant wives and whorish single women.

A woman who shames other women in to abstaining from sex until marriage has had not one but two pregnancies out of wedlock?

Wow. It’s almost like abstinence-only education doesn’t actually work. Who knew?

If you get an accidental teddy bear vagina cake to enliven your christening, you have been given a GIFT! A gift! Write them a nice thank you note and chill.

Pretty horrified that any adult woman raising a baby girl thinks vaginas make something “dirty.” Did she try to get her money back from her husband too?

Yeah, everyone gets really excited about all these things he’s saying and I cannot bring myself to feel the same way. I mean yeah, I get it, it’s going to take a loooooooooong ass time to see real change in the catholic church, but that doesn’t mean I should applaud him for basic human decency/looking past his own

I can’t really feel any excitement about his statements on this. I mean, congratulations on coming to the enlightened conclusion that people shouldn’t have to stay in abusive relationships. Of course if they leave they’ll need to spend the rest of eternity in solitude...

Discount Jonathan Pryce.


Even worse, he’s manspreading while masturbating.

Now that I think about it, Hasbro is only good at one toyline with females in it.

Given Hasbro’s track-record, however....

Perhaps it is the fault of the writer of the blurb not being that familiar with JP stuff and taking the, still sexist, usual assumption that male as the default?

Speaking from experience, do yourself a favor and do not watch this movie if you suffer from infertility. I thought someone was going to have to scrape me off the floor.

Probably would’ve been the same amount of crying for both movies, tho.