
Saving and stitching this. Thank you!

but not fetus which is their point :/

I mean eh.... Komen lost my support when they teamed up with KFC

How about letting a private organization make it’s own choices Mr. Small Government?

“two of the sisters Josh Duggar touched inappropriately” are we really incapable of saying “sexually abused”?

Congrats Texas... I’ve never said that before. Now to deal with whatever the fuck is going on with my home state of Ohio.

You’re going to get burned for this and I’m so sorry because you’re 100% right. Prisons have lots of problems but we can’t fix any of them until we fix safety issues. Cis females commit far far fewer crimes then cis males and transgender women. Even if you don’t enter prison a violent criminal you might become one

Don’t expect me to get excited and act like you’re passing out warm cookies and milk when you throw out some stale crumbs. People who are getting beat, emotionally and/or physically, don’t have to stay with their abuser but remember you dirty sluts you have to stay single for life after you break up cause “one flesh”

and women...

The first time I watched that movie was when we went with my Grandpa to the theater. We’d lost our Grandma years before and he was living along right down the street from us. We went out with him once or twice a week to see movies, sit and reads books in B&N, or get coffee. Just chill things old people like. Took him

If you’re going to apply at a place that makes it’s money of exploiting the bodies of women to sell terrible food you can’t really get mad when they judge your body.

Gryffindor wins my cup!

Something like this happened to me at work a month or so ago. I wore a dress that I’ve wore before but I didn’t wear the right underwear with it. You can see lines, two male coworkers went to my boss and told her my underwear lines and the tightness of the dress was making it hard for them to do their jobs. She told

I’m sorry that horrible person put you through that. You deserve better and they deserve all the terrible things.

I volunteered for one to cover my community service hours when I was in highschool. I was a total anti-choice Christian years ago (fully shamed). I thought I was working in a free clothing center but I saw all these pregnant women going in and out. I thought it was so great that we were helping people feed and cloth

I don’t understand why the issue is if she burned the damn book or not. You took a life for burning a book. A book is not holy and even if it is burning the most holy thing is not worth a human life.


All them boys in the movie. Would.

Do we have the same family? I have a uncle that works for American family Values ASSoication.

and most of them will vote republican